


忙碌的2017即将结束, this weekly newsletter will take a rest over the holidays and will return in 2018. We hope you enjoy your celebrations with family and have a happy New Year. 谢谢你的阅读.

​​The U.S. 人口普查局 本周报道 据估计,这个焦油脚跟州已经达到了10.3 million population count as of July 1, 2017 and is the ninth most populous state in the U.S. According to a briefing from State Demographer Michael E. Cline, North Carolina added more heads between April 2010 and July 2017 than did New York, 宾夕法尼亚州和俄亥俄州加起来. 人口增长了近738人,000人, with in-migration accounting for 64 percent of the growth. 该州增加了近117人,在2017年7月之前的一年里,有1000人死亡, which was nation's fifth fastest numeric growth in that period. Cline said the 人口普查局's estimates jibe with the projection 他的办公室 10月10日.6 million people will be living in North Carolina by 2020. Idaho is presently the nation's fastest growing state, according to 新闻报道 最新的数据.

​Awaiting the president's signature at the time of this writing is a 大修 美国的.S. tax code following final approval from Congress on Wednesday. (News reports differ on when the president is likely to sign the bill -- either Friday or 直到一月份.) The bill's development had concerned local government leaders from the outset, when separate House and Senate versions included cuts or rollbacks on programs of value to cities. But groups including the National League of Cities say the urging of city officials and residents to preserve these programs led to a better final bill. 今年早些时候, the League signed on to a letter to members of Congress, 由全国365足彩下载组织的, urging the preservation of the federal Historic Tax Credit. 联合国成员.C. Mayors Association, an affiliate of the League, also met with members of U.S. Rep. George Holding's staff about the importance of the credit to communities around the country. That credit remains in the final bill in modified form, 私人活动债券的免税政策也是如此. Prior versions of the bill threatened their existence. "Congress has confirmed once again that incentivizing the rehabilitation of our historic buildings makes good economic sense," the National Trust for Historic Preservation said of the Historic Tax Credit. 新市场税收抵免也依然存在. NLC制作了 一座破旧的 税收改革对城市意味着什么. The U.S. 市长会议发表 它自己的声明 关于大修的担忧. 在其他新闻中,国会也 通过了一项权宜之计 周四避免了政府关闭.

North Carolina clicked with numerous economic development news stories this week, 以摩根顿为中心开始. 周四, 城市宣布 收到277美元,540 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to improvement downtown infrastructure expected to benefit nine businesses and 64 households. 市政府将一分钱不差地支付这笔拨款. "The City pursues all opportunities for outside funding resources to help promote economic development projects of all types,该市的一份新闻稿说. 本月早些时候,德国黑胶唱片公司VEKA 宣布计划 to invest $18 million in a new Morganton facility with 102 jobs following help from the city, 伯克县和州. Such city-county-state collaboration also led to another announcement there on Thursday, when Greenworks Tools said it would invest $10 million in a new distribution center with 187 jobs. “Greenworks的所有产品进入美国市场.S. 将通过这个配送中心,“? 《365足彩下载》引述 市长罗尼·汤普森. A 第四个公告 周四,摩根顿以230美元的价格成交,000 building reuse grant to support a renovation that would add 23 jobs.

同样在本周,奥巴马州长. Roy Cooper's office announced the "largest-ever manufacturing investment in rural North Carolina" with 三角轮胎的计划 to create 800 jobs and invest nearly $580 million in Edgecombe County. A press release says the project is estimated to contribute beyond $2.为国家经济贡献了40亿美元. "Triangle Tyre strongly believes that the project will blossom with beautiful flowers and bear the most abundant fruits in the U.S., 一个轮子上的发达国家,丁玉华说, 三角集团和三角轮胎的董事长, 在新闻发布会上. "We will give back the fruits to the people of North Carolina with our utmost sincerity.“包括国家、联合国在内的多个合作伙伴.C. Railroad Company, Golden LEAF and others contributed to the outcome. 其中包括:200个工作岗位和2美元.700万投资 在Morrisville; 428 jobs with $275 million in investments 在埃奇莫和达勒姆县; as many as 200 jobs with a $30 million investment 在贝塞麦市及其周边地区; and hundreds more jobs with $72.800万的投资 在夏洛特地区. The N.C. 农村基础设施管理局也在本月 批准21项拨款申请 总计近7美元.2 million aiding a number of municipalities around the state.

​Additional aid for areas struggling after Hurricane Matthew could be on its way, 州长办公室说的. The U.S. House approved an $81 million disaster relief bill on Thursday, and Gov. Cooper said it could "potentially help North Carolina repair or buy out hundreds more homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew, while also helping states and territories across the country recover from the devastating hurricanes and wildfires of 2017.该法案还需要参议院的批准.

​Among the new appointees to the National League of Cities' (NLC) varied federal advocacy committees is Winston-Salem City Council Member Dan Besse, who is joining the 2018 Transportation Infrastructure Services Committee. "Federal funding and rules have an enormous impact on our transportation system, 包括街道, highways, transit, sidewalks and bike paths here in Winston-Salem and elsewhere in North Carolina,” Council Member Besse said in a statement released by the City of Winston-Salem. "It’s critical that our community has a seat at the table in influencing how that funding is directed." NLC President Mark Stodola, the mayor of Little Rock, Ark., called service on the organization's committees "one of the most effective ways for a local official to advocate for their community in Washington.有关这些委员会的更多信息见 nlc.org/advocacy/committees.
