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League Bulletin

October 26, 2018

WHAT HAPPENED: Early ballot-casting continued across North Carolina at a head-turning pace, though analyses are mixed. 
WHAT IT MEANS: Uncertain. A look this week from the News & Observer said voters here are submitting ballots much like they were in the 2014 midterms, while WRAL quoted sources comparing the activity to a presidential year. In a string of tweets Friday morning, frequently sourced political science professor Dr. Michael Bitzer said early voting in North Carolina was "on pace for a mid-term record." 
ON TAP: The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5 p.m. Oct. 30. In-person early voting ends at 1 p.m. Nov. 3. Election Day is Nov. 6.
THE SKINNY: Running on sheer numbers, 由于影响因素的不同,很难对每年的投票活动进行简单的比较, this year including a modified early voting schedule, special statewide items like the six constitutional amendment questions​, and the lack of a U.S. Senate race. Either way, 2018 stands out, with nearly all 170 seats in the General Assembly contested, judicial races receiving a bigger-than-usual share of the public dialogue, and a stirred electorate nationally. Rest assured: this is not the final dispatch on the 2018 mid-terms.

365足彩下载新成立的宽带工作小组本周开始了对该州宽带政策的初步讨论. 工作组成员还了解到,为了使地方政府能够建设和租赁宽带基础设施,作为公私合作伙伴关系的一部分,需要进行法律改革. Several dozen local officials belong to the group, 他们作为战略顾问和领导者,努力将社区主导的宽带带到北卡罗来纳州. For an overview of broadband policy in North Carolina, the League has produced several resources, including this webinar and slide show presentation and a report, “Leaping the Digital Divide.” Contact: Erin Wynia​

Gov. Roy Cooper on Monday signed an executive order 建立一个委员会,以确保2020年人口普查结果全面准确地反映北卡罗来纳州. He also named members, including Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger, to the body, called the North Carolina Complete Count Commission. 行政命令指出,十年一次的人员统计将“决定联邦政府如何分配4000亿美元的资金”, including an estimated $16 billion for critical community services, housing, economic development, as well as other needs and services in North Carolina." It adds that "planning, outreach, 地方政府的参与和社区教育是确保人口普查尽可能准确的必要条件." The commission is tasked with, among other things, helping the U.S. Census Bureau recruit North Carolinians to be census workers, developing public and private partnerships that help the cause, and strategizing ways to connect with "historically hard-to-count populations," which may include members of the military, rural residents and non-native English speakers. 与海明格市长一起组成这个由24人组成的委员会的还有州议员以及各种公共和私营实体的领导人.

市政365足彩下载继续我们的筹款活动,直接帮助在最近影响北卡罗来纳州的灾难中遭受重大损失的市政雇员. The Hometown Care Disaster Relief Fund will provide grants for municipal employees. To fund it, the League has made an initial donation of $25,000, and is soliciting donations directly from the League’s business partners, other state municipal leagues, and the general public. 如果你有能力,请向家乡关怀救灾基金捐款 clicking here and share the campaign on your social media accounts to better our chances of success. If disaster has affected you and you wish to learn more about the grant program, including information about how to apply for a personal grant, please see our Hometown Care page or contact Michael Naylor at​.

大会通过了8亿美元的额外州飓风援助, 金叶基金会已经获得了2000万美元的拨款,用于地方政府修理和更换车辆, equipment, facilities, and water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. You can find the online application form and information about the program here and answers to frequently asked questions here.

The N.C. 商务部还宣布,该州已收到一笔联邦拨款,用于提供临时就业,以应对飓风造成的破坏和行政管理需求. The grants for those jobs may last up to 12 months, and municipalities are among the entities eligible. There is no match required for organizations that meet eligibility requirements. 该部门表示,感兴趣的实体可以联系当地NCWorks职业中心的劳动力发展委员会了解更多信息, and also visit

您还可以找到FEMA公共援助申请人简报会的其他会议日期 here, 被认为对获得联邦政府报销清除碎片和紧急保护措施所需信息至关重要的会议. 北卡罗来纳州和联邦应急管理局正在为因飓风佛罗伦萨而流离失所的家庭提供第一批临时住房, and you can find information about that assistance here​.

Meanwhile, the U.S. 农业部自然资源保护局正在接受援助请求,以帮助社区保护道路等符合条件的基础设施, bridges, housing and businesses from erosion and watershed hazards caused by Hurricane Florence. 通过紧急流域保护计划请求援助的截止日期是11月11日. 15. Learn more about the program here.

我们离365足彩下载最重要的活动之一——倡导目标会议——越来越近了,我们还有时间注册, with a lowered cost. This year, the conference is set for Nov. 29 at the Raleigh Convention Center. 第一位市政官员的注册费仅为35美元,同一城镇的每位额外注册人的注册费为10美元. By attending the conference, 当365足彩下载成员在2019-2020年与州立法者和政策制定者讨论和决定优先考虑的问题时,您的市政当局将有发言权和投票权. In order to have the most representative set of advocacy goals, we need as many cities and towns represented as possible. Register today.

计划参加倡导目标会议,不仅是为了就365足彩下载在即将到来的州立法两年期中将优先考虑的问题进行重要辩论和投票, 同时也要了解与灾害有关的可用资源,以满足与飓风有关的即时恢复需求,并为未来的事件做好准备. 午餐时间的主讲人将是前全国城市365足彩下载主席梅洛迪·科尔伯特-基恩, a member of the Joplin, Mo., City Council and former mayor, 谁会讨论她的城市在2011年遭受毁灭性龙卷风袭击后的恢复能力.

The League’s 2018 Municipal Salary Survey is now available. 这项年度调查的最新版本包括了北卡罗来纳州220多个不同规模城市的各种职位的薪资信息. 我们365足彩下载非常感谢所有花时间参与今年调查的人. 选举产生的官员和365足彩下载成员城市的许多雇员可以免费获得调查结果. To access the survey, follow this link to log in to the League’s website. If you have not yet registered for a password, or have forgotten your existing password, you can address those issues at the above link as well.

加入365足彩下载和杜克能源的网络研讨会上的街道照明策略和费率更新. This webinar is set for Thursday, Nov. 15, from 2 to 4 p.m. 并将作为365足彩下载在2013年干预公用事业费率案件后开始的讨论的延续.C. Utilities Commission. In addition to offering technical expertise about the new rates for outdoor lighting, 杜克大学的户外照明团队将讨论将灯转换为LED的过程和概述,并介绍其小型附件功能的最新情况. For more information and to register, click here​.

北卡罗来纳州最高选举官员上周五发布命令,解决飓风佛罗伦萨可能给选民参与造成的困难. Kim Westbrook Strach, executive director of the state's elections board, put out the emergency order for 28 counties in which Florence left substantial damage. Among provisions, it allows more time in those counties for elections offices to collect ballots, though some normal restrictions still apply. 该法案还允许这些地区的选民将填好的选票交还给该州任何提前投票的地点, instead of their own county. Click here for the full order (listing all eligible counties) and here​ for complete post-Florence information from the state elections office. 
