


格林维尔市长Kandie Smith欢迎2017年CityVision的观众.

CityVision 2017在格林维尔如火如荼地进行着, with hundreds of municipal officials gathered at the Greenville Convention Center for an array of valuable programming on technology, 互联互通和普遍共享很重要, 为城镇提供及时的想法.

Speakers thus far have included Angelina Panettieri of the National League of Cities, whose talk on "Smart at Any Size" highlighted how smart-city technology and efficiency can be applied successfully in towns small or large. Sean Lilly Wilson of Durham's Fullsteam Brewery explained how beer can be a catalyst for economic development, 像他这样的啤酒厂推动了全州城镇的复兴.  


地方主义也成为焦点, with 演讲者 who discussed how urban cores can be strengthened by collaboration across city lines. Christopher Gergen of Forward Cities and Forward Impact impressed the importance of inclusive innovation and the ingredients that are often missed when it comes to spurring local economic development and entrepreneurialism.

《365足彩下载》(Greenville Daily Reflector)在现场报道了CityVision and explained how the conference itself brought a positive for the local economy. "Showing what Greenville has to offer gives us an opportunity for spinoff conferences where more restaurants, 可以参观零售和其他商业和文化中心, 他们在这里也把油箱装满汽油,该报援引会议中心首席执行官瑞莎·塔克的话说. “这对我们社区的经济影响很大."

该活动将持续到周五,届时还将举办一场晚会, 奖, 领导宣誓, 娱乐和其他365足彩下载业务. 365足彩下载感谢所有参与者, 演讲者, 让CityVision 2017成为一场难忘的会议. Special thanks to the City of Greenville and Mayor Kandie Smith for hosting the event and making everyone feel welcomed.

Governor Cooper talks with local government representatives including (from left) League Vice President Michael Lazzara and 执行董事 Paul Meyer. 图片来源:Ben Brown

在白宫的一张大桌子旁,奥巴马和奥巴马在一起. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)和他的工作人员周一表示,联合国执行委员会(executive committee)将于周五在纽约举行会议.C. 城市365足彩下载和联合国.C. Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) put a focus on local government's common priorities, 挑战和价值观以及与国家合作的重要性. For the League -- represented by President and Zebulon Mayor Bob Matheny; Vice President and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Mike Lazzara; Winston-Salem Council Member Denise Adams; Morrisville Council Member Liz Johnson; and Southern Pines Mayor David McNeill -- issues included infrastructure needs and revenue flexibility. 对于nacc来说,学校建设等工作是优先考虑的. 与两组人的清单重叠的是宽带接入等问题, which they called a resource crucial not only for education but job opportunities and economic development as well. Mayor Matheny found agreement from partners when he emphasized that one-size-fits-all suggestions for any of these issues might not be adequate solutions, and that the varying contexts of localities across the state ought to be taken into account, 尽管他们有许多共同的问题.


包括阿片类药物滥用在内的心理健康问题也受到了关注. “我们怎样才能做得更好?临时市长迈克尔·拉扎拉问道, 是谁把精神健康列为他关注的中心并说现在, 全国范围内的努力并没有显示出足够的成功. 库珀州长表示同意,尤其是在阿片类药物的问题上. “我们不可能通过逮捕来解决这个问题,”他说. Mayor Pro Tem Lazzara said local governments are ready to partner with the state to get ahead on such issues.

Revenue flexibility for local governments also entered discussion as officials nodded to increasing financial burdens on cities and counties and their desire to reduce pressure on the property tax base. 365足彩下载- nacc联合会议与州长现在是每年发生一次, having begun last year as League and NCACC leaders expressed a renewed desire to identify and work together on common issues with the state. “我们都为同一个人工作, 我们大家一起努力是很重要的,市长Pro Tem Lazzara说. 的 League would like to thank its friends at NCACC along with Governor Cooper and partners in the General Assembly for working together on solutions that make the state a better place.

的 executive committees of the League and NCACC together with Governor Cooper at the Executive Mansion.

North Carolina plans to improve its 911 services with a technological upgrade to the backbone of its communications system, 根据… 新闻发布会上 来自北方.C. 资讯科技署(NCDIT). 上面写着升级, 这是一个为期7年、投资9900万美元的项目, will afford the state the ability to connect all primary 911 centers by way of Internet-based routing services. That will allow these centers to "seamlessly" communicate with one another and enable every center to serve as a backup for another in the event of a natural disaster or call overload. "North Carolina has developed a strong system to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies,NCDIT部长埃里克·博耶特说, 他也是联合国的主席.C. 911板. “下一代技术只会让这个系统变得更好.“我们的目标是通过AT连接所有呼叫中心&该新闻稿称,到2020年,T ESINet系统将实现这一目标.

新闻媒体纷纷报道 that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has notified emergency managers in North Carolina and other states of a temporary hold on relief funds marked for cities and counties still in recovery after 2016's Hurricane Matthew. 林肯的改变 本月早些时候曾提到过这种可能性, is due to the destruction in other states from more recent storms: Harvey and Irma. "的 federal government needs that funding right now to be focused on protecting lives down in Florida and Texas," WRAL 引用N.C. 应急管理部主任麦克·斯普雷贝里. "Basically, FEMA is spending many millions of dollars a day on these two major disasters." 的 affected funds were marked for local infrastructure rehabilitations and upgrades.

相关新闻, the governor's office last week announced two new recovery programs for small businesses and workers impacted by Matthew. A 新闻稿 说7美元.拨款500万美元支持小企业, and that the funds will be matched by private lenders to extend at least $15 million in loans for small businesses in areas Matthew badly harmed, 像罗伯逊, 坎伯兰, 埃奇科姆和韦恩县. 另一个4美元.900万美元用于帮助因风暴而失业的工人.

北卡罗来纳州东南部迎来了一位新议员. 鲍勃•穆勒, 前彭德县共和党主席, 周二被选为该席位的候选人 克里斯·米利斯这个月离职了. “当我去罗利的时候, 我会尽我所能给大家带来保守意识。, 体面, 我有常识和毅力,“ 《365体育足彩》引述 在对当地政党执行委员会成员的讲话中,穆勒遭到了批评. Muller reportedly said that he had not yet decided whether to campaign for the 2018 election. Millis, elected in 2013, said his resignation was in the interest of more time with family.

气象学家 星期五预计 飓风玛丽亚, 当时是三级风暴, 能在北卡罗莱纳州近海保持一段舒适的距离. 与此同时,政府. 罗伊·库珀发行 新的行政命令 星期一结束 与飓风艾玛有关的紧急状态 北卡罗来纳州. (暴风雨是 至少造成一人死亡 在这个州.) But it continued a separate state-of-emergency declaration for the purposes of delivering relief to Irma-impacted areas outside of the state. 同时,新命令还终止了针对“厄玛”的价格欺诈限制, 这些与哈维有关的限制仍然有效, 根据国家规定.