


CityVision 2017 is just ahead! And the League has released a special app for smart devices that will help you maximize your experience. Search for "NCLM Events" in the App Store (for iPhone or iPad) or Google Play Store (for Android). Windows手机用户可以在手机浏览器上通过 nclmevents.org. This easy-to-navigate app includes a simple menu of conference speakers, 每天的时间表, general info, social media, an area map, 参展商及更多. Users can also create profiles and connect with fellow conference-goers. 它还具有NCLM Go的门户!, a brand new game with great prizes available to conference attendees. All CityVision 2017 attendees will have free WiFi access throughout the convention center. 现在下载应用,格林维尔见!

League 执行董事 Paul Meyer encourages you to apply for leadership positions with the National League of Cities, 哪个还在接受申请. Available leadership slots include officers, board members and seats on its Advocacy Committee. 申请说明在国家图书馆的网站上. Meyer points out that serving on the NLC’s Board of Directors or in another NLC leadership role provides an important means of bringing perspectives from your town or city, 来自北卡罗来纳州, into policy-focused discussions and initiatives at the national level. The NLC notes that these positions allow local municipal officials to "join an elite group of local leaders who are guiding and shaping the future of cities ... A position on our board of directors offers unparalleled opportunities to effect change at the national level while raising your profile as a city leader." Should you apply for one of these positions, please let NCLM know for endorsement purposes. 你可以联系Jennifer Webb here. 申请截止日期为10月. 13.

这是华盛顿基础设施谈判的好消息, federal transportation grant programs with direct pipelines to cities and towns are now accepting applications. 它们是促进经济复苏的交通投资, or TIGER, program; and the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America, or INFRA, program. The U.S. 运输部(USDOT) 最近宣布 5亿美元可通过TIGER酌情拨款, "a highly competitive program whose winners will be awarded with the funding they need to rebuild the infrastructure of their communities,财政部长赵小兰说. INFRA, meanwhile, is a competitive freight-focused program accepting proposals for its $1.50亿的资金, with awards of at least $25 million for large-scale projects and at least $5 million for small-scale projects. The National League of Cities recently pointed out USDOT's statement that it would "give full consideration to the unique needs of rural areas" under this program. 应用程序信息 可以在网上找到.

Republicans in the southeast are expected to meet on Tuesday for the naming of a successor to Rep. 彭德县议员克里斯·米利斯 最近宣布辞职 联合国大会决议于今天(星期五)生效。. 据《365足彩下载》报道 本周,该席位没有明显的候选人出现. 米里斯说,他辞职是为了有更多的时间陪伴家人. 大会是 将于10月10日重新召开会议. 4.

NHC图形电流为5 a.m. Friday

紧跟着厄玛, Tropical Storm Jose is threatening a return to hurricane status on a track that may carry it just east of the Outer Banks, 据新闻媒体周五上午报道. The Associated Press reported that the storm's maximum sustained winds at the time neared 70 miles per hour and could become a hurricane today. It was about 360 miles northeast of the southeastern Bahamas headed west-northwest. 国家飓风中心经常更新其 乔斯可能的路径图.

Meanwhile, parts of North Carolina that Hurricane Irma impacted are cleaning up, 州长办公室本周报告. Prevalent effects included downed trees, flooding and power outages in western counties. It came as the state was lending a hand to Irma's victims in states farther south. “考虑到所有因素, most of North Carolina has been fortunate in the wake of Hurricane Irma,库珀州长说 a release. "Some of our neighbors to the south have not been as fortunate, and we stand ready to help."

Media outlets are reporting that the Trump administration may revise or abandon the federal overtime rule that a federal judge 在八月底被扔出去了. 现在被否决的规则, 是奥巴马执政时期的吗, would have dramatically relaxed the criteria regarding employee eligibility for overtime pay. The League and partners voiced concern with the rule as it would have added milions of previously exempt workers and put government budgets under a new strain, 正如我们在2016年5月报道的那样. (该规定原定于12月10日生效. 2016年1月1日在法庭上 授予挑战者禁制令.华盛顿特区1号.C. media outlet is reporting that the Trump administration may clarify what it intends to do on the matter within the coming weeks, with speculation that it may go with the pre-Obama version of the rule and adjust it for inflation. 相关的公众评论截止日期是9月11日. 25. 来自全国城市365足彩下载的帖子 有更多信息.

A majorly successful social engagement program with a yearlong waiting list. 放在城市户外的钢琴,随便哪个人都可以弹奏. 还有一个神秘的城市数据收集者. We plunge into their mutual concepts -- creative or playful ways of connecting people and their town -- and how they might work where you live 在最新一期节目中 的市政方程, 365足彩下载的播客 关于时代变迁中的城镇.

外面有很多忙乱的事情, so take this episode as a bit of fun (though our warmest and most immediate thoughts are with everyone impacted by the many recent or active natural disasters and other hardships). We also call upon you to help us solve what ranks as one of the weirdest downtown mysteries out there today. Listen now 听一听. 别忘了:如果你喜欢这个节目, the best way to support it is with your ideas and thoughts (one form of which is a friendly iTunes review). 你可以联系主持人兼制片人本·布朗 bbrown@mediagate-egy.net.

Save the Date for the next joint meeting between League members and Duke Energy to discuss issues surrounding the modernization of municipal street lighting. 会议将于10月10日举行. 19, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)位于罗利(Raleigh)的办公室. Wilmington St., Raleigh). 注册信息和议程将很快公布.

This webinar will serve as a continuation of discussions that began after the League, in 2013, intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. It's an opportunity for Duke to check in with municipal customers to discuss outdoor lighting strategies, 即将到来的利率案件, 以及其他举措. Contact: Sarah Collins
