


事情发生的经过: 被假期缩短的工作周,但是 with as much attention as ever on the news – West Coast wildfires, East Coast storm formations, November campaigns, early voting, Congress, and of course the pandemic.  

单词释义: 让我们关注国会和 pandemic – a “skinny” relief package was on the Senate’s table but didn’t 因票数不足而提前. 它不包括为州或地方政府提供更多资金 政府.

ON TAP: 也许要等到选举日之后 我们看到下一个救济建议. 这是不幸的,因为需要救济 这在地方政府中是立竿见影的. 但它确实提供了更多的时间来保持 communication going with your members of Congress on why this is so important.

瘦子: 本周的公报提供了更多的背景. It also features a national report, which includes the League’s voice, on why 特别是地方政府需要帮助. 简而言之,它们是一个基础 economy. 继续分享这个信息. 

State Rep. 乔什·多布森周四被 North Carolina League of Municipalities as its Community Champion Award recipient.

该奖项是颁发给立法者的 专门支持北卡罗莱纳州的城镇. 多布森被选为获奖者 2020 recipient for his tireless work advocating on behalf of local 政府 to access more avenues for better broadband service for their residents and businesses, an issue of particular importance as more North Carolinians work 在COVID-19危机期间在家学习.

他是…的主要赞助人 HB 431纤维NC法案, which would better enable local 政府 to utilize their resources to partner with private internet service providers to both provide and improve service.

“Access to high-speed Internet should not be a luxury 在北卡罗来纳州. I am proud to work on this legislation and I am thankful that going forward the League of Municipalities will be there to continue to fight for high-speed Internet in every corner of North Carolina,” Dobson said 领奖时.

众议员多布森已经是第四届了 the North Carolina House, representing Avery, McDowell and Mitchell counties. He is a chair of the House Appropriations Committee and chair of the House 卫生政策委员会. Prior to his initial appointment to the state House in 2013, he had served as a McDowell County Commissioner. 他和妻子, 瓦莱丽和女儿肯尼迪住在尼波.

NCLM主席Jennifer Robinson赞扬了Dobson的做法 advocacy for “one of the critical issues of our time.”

“Whether rural towns needing access to more reliable service or our more urban cities requiring more affordable options for working class families, improving broadband access is one of the critical issues of our time. Representative Dobson was a true champion helping to bring this issue to forefront of discussions at the General Assembly and advocating on behalf of towns and cities and this vital need,” said Robinson, Council Member from the 卡里镇.

You can read more about the FIBER NC Act and other legislation of import to cities and towns from the last legislative session in the League’s 31-page End 会议公报

The so-called “skinny” coronavirus relief package that 在美国正在考虑.S. 包括失业问题 benefits, business aid and COVID-19 testing, among other things, but no direct 州政府和地方政府的钱 failed to pass 因为该法案没有获得通过所需的60票. 在整个过程中 of the pandemic, the League has urged Congress’ help for local 政府, which have seen hurtful drop-offs in revenues for services vital to residents and businesses due to the virus’ consumer effects and related policy 实现. The League’s partner, the National League of Cities, points out that only a few days remain for Congress this month; with competing priorities, the chambers might not be able to restore focus on this need until 11月大选之后. 在此期间,重要的是参议院多数党 Leader Mitch McConnell hears from fellow senators who support local funding. While an election approaches, keep reaching out to your members of the U.S. House and Senate. 

《365足彩下载》在一篇全国性文章中被引用 Friday from Stateline, a news publication from the Pew Charitable Trusts, on the crisis so many rural utilities are in as COVID-19 persists. 它是作为 League and its partners the National League of Cities have been advocating around the clock for assistance from Congress for local 政府 and utilities hard-hit by the pandemic, as we know that healthy cities, towns and villages are an important way out of what could otherwise be a prolonged recession. “农村供水和污水处理系统 have largely been left out of federal and state pandemic relief, and yet they play critical roles in local economies,” Stateline reports. “家庭依赖于 them, of course, but so do small businesses such as eateries and large companies such as manufacturers and processing plants.”

这篇聚焦全国的文章放大了 in on North Carolina and taps the League in reporting on how the pandemic has especially hurt communities that have seen jobs and industry, and subsequently 人口逐年下降. “站在我的立场上听到这个消息很失望 politicians say, ‘You're just asking for more money to fix an existing problem,'" Stateline quotes of the League’s Scott Mooneyham. "Well, yeah, there was an existing problem that was created through no fault of these communities themselves, which you've kind of ignored — and now 你在责怪他们.

“这些都是你的选民,”他补充说. "Help them."

Read 完整的Stateline文章

The 2020 人口普查在 a 关键时刻. This count determines North Carolina's federal funding and 未来10年的代表. 然而,时间所剩无几,我们的国家 被严重低估. 请使用 our 资源收集 可以用来帮助增加计数. Billions and billions of dollars are on the line at a time when our communities are 已经急需资金援助. 这是对2020年人口普查的回答 helps. Let your community know that it’s in everyone’s interest. 

The 2020 人口普查在 a 关键时刻. This count determines North Carolina's federal funding and 未来10年的代表. 然而,时间所剩无几,我们的国家 被严重低估. 请使用 our 资源收集 可以用来帮助增加计数. Billions and billions of dollars are on the line at a time when our communities are 已经急需资金援助. 这是对2020年人口普查的回答 helps. Let your community know that it’s in everyone’s interest. 

The N.C. 大流行病康复办公室, or NC PRO, is holding two calls with local 政府 this month to provide updates and an opportunity for Q&A. 两个电话- 9月11日星期三. 从11点到16点.m. to noon; and Thursday, Sept. 17,从上午11点开始.m. 到中午-将共享相同的一般信息, with updates on the CARES Act and spending and reporting requirements. Stay tuned: Members will receive invitations for both calls. Please attend the session that works best for your schedule. 
