


政府. Roy Cooper this week declared a state of emergency for all 100 counties as Hurricane Irma churned toward the U.S. "There is a lot we still don’t know about this storm, but we do know that North Carolina can expect to feel some sort of effects as soon as early next week, 和 now is the time to get prepared,州长说 新闻稿. The National Weather Service is updating its 公开警告 steadily online with the latest details. 

The state of emergency went into effect at 8 p.m. Thursday, 和 officials urged preparation in all regions of the state. 根据新闻稿, state transportation crews will be ready to address issues in their purview. State emergency management officials also advise the public to follow their 推特脸谱网 accounts for up-to-the-moment info. Real-time traffic 和 weather information is additionally available on the ReadyNC移动应用程序. More about the state-of-emergency is in Executive Orders No. 2021.

More than $6 million in grants for local parks 和 recreation projects were announced this week. The money, helping 22 projects across the state, comes through the 公园及康乐信托基金. "I am proud that our 公园及康乐信托基金 is able to support these local projects to strengthen communities,“政府. Roy Cooper said in a Thursday 新闻稿, which noted that state grant officials considered 60 applications in all. "These projects are shining examples of how we can make the most out of our communities," State Natural 和 Cultural Resources Secretary Susi Hamilton said. “从小城镇到大城市, these projects will create new opportunities for us all to connect with our fellow North Carolinians.“ 新闻稿 has the full list of grant recipients.

The Insider State 政府ernment News Service 报道 on Friday that about 20,000 drones are now registered in North Carolina, mostly to hobbyists 和 with the remaining smidge in use for commercial or government purposes. Local governments are still imagining uses for drones, which was partly the focus of a 论坛 that the League held late last year (video) with state 和 municipal officials. 此外, 365足彩下载的播客 took on the topic, with an in-depth look at the National League of Cities' 地方政府指南 on drone policy 和 applications. Local governments that operate their own drones include the Town of Manteo, which has dispatched the aircraft in situations like storm aftermaths 和 quick damage assessments.

Just one bill was pending on the governor's desk as of Friday morning, 根据立法机关的规定 在线索引. 这是 HB 56修订环境法律, which received final House 和 Senate approval last week. The bill included a few items of interest to local governments, such as the establishment of a coastal storm damage mitigation fund, 河岸缓冲税收豁免, clarification of setback determination for permitted disposal systems, 和GenX水响应, 除此之外, 如 上周的《365足彩下载》.

The legislative chambers may send more bills to the governor after they 10月复会. 4. A 博客 by 代表. 查克•麦迪 provides perspective about the October session, which he noted could include constitutional amendments, 覆盖的 否决 和 additional redistricting work.

美国.S. 众议院周三通过了该法案 HR 3388自驾车法, a bill meant to make information on highly automated driving systems available to prospective buyers. The National League of Cities (NLC) responded with the following 声明:

"City leaders welcome the promise of safer roads 和 reduced congestion that autonomous vehicles (AV) can offer our communities. 随着AV立法的推进, we call on Congress to ensure a safe 和 effective rollout of AVs on city streets. Cities have been the testing ground for this technology, 和 local leaders remain committed to ensuring that AVs are integrated onto our roads in a safe 和 timely manner.”

国家图书馆发布了一份 报告 earlier this year on AV technology's implications for cities 和 their governments. Findings from that 报告 are discussed on Episode 24 of 市政方程, the League's biweekly podcast.

Hurricane Harvey's devastation in Texas could temporarily impact funds in the Hurricane Matthew relief pipeline. The State Port Pilot newspaper of Southport this week 报道 that local government emergency managers received word that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was restricting funds that had been marked for Matthew recovery efforts amid the focus in Texas. The restriction is temporary, the newspaper 报道.