


事情发生的经过:一连串的法庭诉讼 affecting the November elections, 更多的是 本周. 的 result kept all six proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot 和 held in place the 13 congressional districts that had been ruled as partisan gerrym和ers.
单词释义: 的 ballots, after so many legal challenges, probably won't undergo new revisions. Even the plaintiffs who sued for new congressional districts said the current ones should stay in place for this election, as to avoid confusion among the electorate with the clock so near to voting time. (的 districts will likely be redrawn afterward.) 
利用: Ballot-printing 和 a lot of campaigning.
瘦子: You'll find the full language to the constitutional amendment proposals you'll see on the ballot on the front page at ncleg.网 在新闻下面 & 信息部分在左边.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at CityVision 2018 本月晚些时候在山科里. So far more than 500 people have registered representing 165 municipalities. If you haven’t signed up, it’s never too late! 请与黛安·戈德温联系 dgodwin@mediagate-egy.net to add yourself to the registration list. Onsite registration is also available. This conference will offer the best opportunity for municipal officials from around the state to dive deep into issues like broadb和 和 other technology, 基础设施, 打造城市品牌, 和, 最重要的是, grants – finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow! 

North Carolina's certified Main Street communities helped to grow 1,410个新工作岗位, 275 businesses 和 close to $230 million in investment in fiscal year 2017-18, 根据… 新闻发布会上 来自北方.C. 这周的商务部. 这些数字来自于N.C. Main Street 和 Rural Planning Center, which runs 这个项目 that supports more than 60 Main Street communities 和 16 Small Town Main Street communities. “的 cities 和 towns represented in this report saw an increase of more than $30 million in investment over last year, demonstrating the health of communities that participate in the Main Street program,美国商务部长安东尼. 科普兰在新闻稿中说. N.C. Main Street Program began in 1980 和 has since seen nearly $3 billion in downtown public 和 private investment, 超过23,创造了5000个工作岗位,657个营业机会. 的 新闻稿 has more figures 和 information about 这个项目.
分别, you can read stories from cites 和 towns across the state about how their intentional planning, investments 和 partnerships are growing jobs 和 the economy at herewegrownc.org, a project of the North Carolina League of Municipalities that continues to grow with member involvement. 免费加入, 我们在这里成长 is your best vehicle for conveying the hard economic development work your municipal government is doing in context with cities 和 towns statewide. 发送一封快速的电子邮件给 about@herewegrownc.org to request login credentials so you can tell your story, too. 

new episode of 市政方程 -- the League's nationally-recognized podcast about cities 和 towns adapting in the face of change -- we revisit the intersection of drones, local government 和 public need with a trip to Holly Springs. This small Wake County town is innovating at a national level with a pilot project -- involving the state 和 federal governments along with the private sector -- to see commercial food delivery by way of drone. It's huge in implications, but it's also​ stuffed with logistical 和 policy questions. Hear how the town arrived at this program 和 the great care it's taking in the rollout. 一位听众说 在推特上, "Thanks for covering this innovation in (Holly Springs) -- nice to see #govtech innovation in other communities in (the Wake County) area -- especially those that may be smaller, but no less focused on leveraging tech to provide better service to citizens.​"
Is something different, innovative, quirky, funny or challenging happening in your town? Email 市政方程 host/producer Ben Brown​ 讨论一集. Find past episodes of 市政方程 at mediagate-egy.net/municipalequation.

"Drones are the way of the future," writes the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) at the start of a 新闻稿 announcing a workshop on how local governments 和 businesses can learn 和 leverage the technology. 在10月. 17 event will be at the Tony R和 Student Center at Fayetteville Technical Community College. 座位有限; 注册在这里. "Drone technology is quickly advancing, 和 so are the possibilities for a business or government organization interested in using one,” the release quotes of Basil Yap, NCDOT Unmanned Aerial Systems Program Manager. “的 people in attendance can expect to come away with an underst和ing of possible real-world applications for drone technology, 和 what it takes to safely 和 effectively implement drones into their operations.”