


Recent court actions in two North Carolina cases have landed on the municipal radar, 以积极的发展为开端 杜克能源公司. 灰色的, which dealt with what statute of limitations to apply to an encroachment on a utility easement. 而上诉法院 申请了六年的限制 and implied that utilities should improve their monitoring of all easements for encroachments, 最高法院推翻了20年的限制. 365足彩下载以法庭之友的身份参与了此案 出于对保护市政公用事业地役权的兴趣. Examples of encroachments on utility easements include outbuildings and fences. For cities, the stakes are their access to their own water, wastewater, and electric line easements. 365足彩下载的简报 支持杜克的论点,即下级法院滥用法律, and that easements held for public purposes deserved protection from claims that interfered with provision of that public service.

同时,最高法院对 优质建造房屋v. 迦太基城 可能影响市政当局评估水和下水道影响费. The court held that the town's impact fees went beyond authority granted in the public enterprises statutes and were t在这里fore invalid. The town's ordinances provided that a final subdivision plat approval triggered the impact fee charges, 用于支付未来系统扩展的费用. The court determined the related statutes don't give municipalities the power to assess impact fees for future services. It emphasized: "Carthage has the authority to charge tap fees and to establish water and sewer rates to fund necessary improvements and maintain services to inhabitants, 哪一项足以满足其扩张需求.... While the Public Enterprise Statutes at issue 在这里 enable Carthage to charge for the contemporaneous use of its water and sewer systems, the statutes clearly and unambiguously fail to give Carthage the essential prospective charging power necessary to assess impact fees." The decision, which was unanimous, reversed an appellate court decision that favored the town.

法院还指出,大会, 在当地的行为中, has granted some jurisdictions specific impact fee authority and opined that municipalities "routinely seek and obtain" such enabling legislation.

现在被认为 这是美国最严重的国家灾难之一.S., the flooding of Baton Rouge and other cities and towns in Louisiana now leaves a great demand for relief -- including within our counterpart organization, 路易斯安那州市政协会, which heartbreakingly has a number of staffers left homeless or heavily impacted in other ways. 点击这里获取特别救济基金. 投稿的截止日期是今天.

The League reached out to LMA and learned it has received a large volume of calls from municipalities in the state for help and has been 与白宫合作 联邦紧急事务管理局负责恢复工作. The League was saddened to learn as well that 14 members of the LMA staff had lost their homes. 除了, "A number of league staff are unable to work because although their homes were dry, they are surrounded by floodwaters and cannot get to or from their homes. 此外,即使他们幸免,许多人的家人也没有幸免.这是根据救援基金附带的叙述, set up by the National League of Cities in partnership with municipal associations across the country. The funds raised will be given directly to LMA to help employees who have suffered losses. 捐赠网站GoFundMe允许安全的在线捐款. 请花点时间捐款.

不要忘记! 报名现在是开放的 CityVision 2016年会 在罗利,10月. 23-25. As you might have heard, the League is doing things a bit differently this year -- the 倡导目标会议 will be on Sunday the 23rd with cities and towns determining legislative and regulatory priorities for the 2017-2018 NCGA biennium. Attending the 倡导目标会议 is the best way to help us better position cities' and towns' advocacy efforts in 2017 and beyond. Make sure your voice is heard and your vote is cast at the 倡导目标会议!

进入CityVision 2016年年会, 你将学习如何将成功故事与你的公民联系起来, 社区及其他, 适应人口和文化的变化, 并在你的家乡发展强大的经济基础. Make one trip, and check off two important conferences on your calendar! 点击这里 to register for both the 倡导目标会议 and the CityVision 2016年会.

保存日期! The next joint meeting between League members and Duke Energy to discuss issues surrounding the modernization of municipal street lighting will be on September 26 from 10 a.m. 到2点.m. 在OJ Miller礼堂(526 S)举行的杜克能源会议上. 教堂的圣.,夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州28202). 我们将公布注册链接一旦可用. This meeting will serve as a continuation of discussions that began after the League, in 2013, intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

特洛伊镇已经成为北卡罗来纳州最新的一个真正的城市 主要街道社区, a status reflecting "a series of commitments to restore economic vitality to historic downtown districts,“根据一个 新闻发布会上 来自北方.C. 商务部周四发布的报告. “市区是经济增长的重要引擎, 特别是在我们的中小城镇,美国商务部长约翰·斯克拉拉说. "We congratulate the community leaders in Troy who have made this important commitment to improve the economic well-being of its citizens.纽约时报主任丽兹·帕勒姆(Liz Parham)说.C. 主要街道 & Rural Planning Center, noted Troy's new designation "brings new opportunities for growth. Town leaders now have access to one of the largest networks of downtown revitalization professionals in 美国nited States." 

特洛伊是该州第63个公认的主街社区. These communities must employ a full-time staffer to work solely on downtown economic development, 成立董事会, craft a plan for downtown development and follow the 主要街道 Four-Point Approach (organization; promotion; design; economic vitality) established by the National 主要街道 Center. The League congratulates the people and leaders of Troy on this well-deserved honor. 有关主要街道社区和结果的更多信息,请阅读 这份年度报告 来自商务部.

A new collaborative has launched to give municipal leaders the tools to tackle the increasingly complex slate of leadership and management challenges in local government. 彭博慈善基金会和哈佛大学 本周联合宣布 彭博哈佛城市领导计划, 根据新闻稿,哪个会, 在接下来的四年内, 300多名市长和400多名市长助理参加了此次会议. "This ambitious effort will generate the world's largest hub of new and customized curriculum, instructional and technology tools -- most of which will be made freely available to the world -- and cases focused on innovative city leadership,公告说. The program will also facilitate student internships in mayors' offices and new research on "innovative city government,协调员补充说.

“随着世界上越来越多的人居住在城市, mayors are increasingly responsible for solving major challenges we face, 从气候变化到贫困再到公共卫生,迈克尔·布隆伯格说, 前纽约市长, 谁在支持这项倡议. 尽管这个角色很重要, mayors often lack opportunities to learn from experts -- and one another. By giving mayors tools and resources -- and by connecting them with peers facing many of the same challenges -- this program will go a long way toward helping them run cities more effectively." 点击这里 了解更多.

Republicans in western North Carolina have picked a successor for the Senate seat vacated by 汤姆·阿波达卡最近退休前商会规则主席. 据州政府内部新闻服务报道 查克•爱德华兹, 谁拥有许多麦当劳的特许经营权, 将代表本库姆的地区, 亨德森和特兰西瓦尼亚县. 爱德华兹是一名政治新人. 除了他的餐馆生意, he serves as a bank director and is on boards for several local nonprofits and civic organizations. Voters in Senate District 48 this November will select among Edwards and Democratic challenger Norman Bossert.

来自美国各地的40多位市长参加了这次活动.S. have sent letters of support for the cities of Wilson and Chattanooga, Tenn., following the recent federal court decision that affirmed state law over local authority on municipal broadband delivery. "As mayors and city leaders who are working to make sure our citizens have access to next-generation broadband, we are writing to express our support and solidarity with your efforts advocating for the ability of all communities to choose the broadband solutions that are right for each of our communities," 该组织写道 致威尔逊市长C. 布鲁斯·罗斯和查塔努加市长安迪·伯克. Each town offers superfast Internet service that has helped businesses grow and residents access the web. Recent court action undermines those cities' ability to expand such services.

The mayors represented in the letter, including Salisbury Mayor Karen Kirks Alexander, are part of 下一个世纪的城市, which is made up of public and private organizations working for affordable broadband access in localities across 美国.S. While North Carolina and Tennessee have laws limiting how those services may expand territorially, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) last year issued a ruling that favored local government authority. 然而这个月, 美国.S. 第六巡回上诉法院 推翻了联邦通信委员会的裁决,并决定支持各州. "We are concerned about the detrimental impact overturning the (FCC's) 2015 ruling will have on community members’ ability to access fast, 经济实惠的宽带互联网接入, and how it will prevent the expansion of your cities’ broadband networks to neighboring underserved communities, 以及它对全国社区的影响." 点击这里 完整地阅读这封信. lined IN上周报道 that Raleigh recently won a 下一个世纪的城市 award meant to help municipal governments link high-speed Internet to better civic engagement.

一项全州范围内提高行人安全的运动, 骑自行车和开车的人在阿什维尔等城市看到了成功, w在这里 police are appearing at crosswalks with a crash history and in high traffic areas to help pedestrians and cyclists, 《365体育足彩》报道. 这是 守望我NC 该项目于8月8日启动. 活动将持续到11月. The program is meant to reduce the number of incidents between motorists and people on foot or on bikes. 根据竞选活动, 车辆撞击超过2辆,北卡罗莱纳州每年有400名行人和960名骑自行车的人, 使北卡罗莱纳州成为美国最不安全的州之一.S. 步行和骑自行车.引用三角地区特有的数据, the campaign says substantial numbers of pedestrian or bicycle  accidents happen at intersections when cars are turning, 或者在停车场.

"The Asheville Police Department wants to do our part to ensure that citizens feel safe to walk and bike the roadways within the city,该报援引了克里斯蒂娜·哈林斯的话, 该部门的公共信息官员. “我们相信这场竞选, 以及我们的参与, will go a long way to help reduce the number of pedestrian and cyclist collisions that occur within the city.这是该项目连续第二年在那里开展. 去年的努力, 根据一份报告, saw a 27 percent decrease in such crashes compared to the same time in 2014.

Rocky Mount is being recognized as the first municipality in the state to join the 说出来 倡议,重点是预防未成年人饮酒. A press release from the city on Thursday noted Rocky Mount joins Nash and Edgecombe counties in the multi-year campaign with the N.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission seeking to educate parents about the realities of underage drinking, emphasize enforcement and better train alcohol permit holders about their role in the conversation. 城市警车将会展出 汽车保险杠贴纸新闻稿补充道. “我们的孩子14岁时第一次开始喝酒,落基山警察局局长詹姆斯·摩尔在新闻稿中说. “令人惊讶的是, the overwhelming majority of the children believe if their parents would have had a conversation with them about alcohol, 他们会停下来." 点击这里 浏览有关“畅所欲言”的事实和其他信息.

上周的一集 市政方程 ——365足彩下载自己关于成功的播客, challenges and new ideas orbiting municipalities -- was one of the most favored yet, with lots of listeners (many of them first-timers) sharing it across social media channels. 没机会听? 点击这里播放. 回顾一下, we looked at how the City of Raleigh is shining light on the local music scene with a pro-quality live performance TV show that airs on one of its government access channels and worldwide online -- a project that has helped to "humanize" local government.

下一集—— 点击这里预览 -- will land this Tuesday with a focus on the modern challenges confronting local law enforcement agencies: new technology, 需要加强与广大公众的信任, 提高对枪击事件的警惕, 和更多的. 维持治安并不容易, but we'll hear from experts on what's being done within law enforcement to create a new conversation and outlook. 这是下一个市政方程. 点击这里 对于所有过去的情节或 在这里 在iTunes上免费订阅.