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League Bulletin

August 14, 2015

This week, 365足彩下载官员致信立法者,再次要求他们考虑有利于北卡罗莱纳州所有城镇的政策解决方案, and that they do so by providing municipalities with revenue flexibility in the face of recent revenue losses. As you know, the state Senate has approved legislation that would reallocate sales taxes, a change that would benefit some local governments while harming others. 那项提案的命运还不得而知, 但是这次讨论——立法者试图就财政和预算问题达成最终协议——仍然为大会提供了解决城镇需求的机会.
现在是时候再次联系你的立法者,让他们知道关于特权许可证税的废除对你的城市或城镇的影响, 建筑库存的变化限制了财产税的征收, and the need to provide cities with revenue options and flexibility to be able to respond to these losses. 让他们知道,削减服务和增加财产税基数的压力不会鼓励经济增长. The letter 365足彩下载主席罗尼·沃尔说, 第一副总统莱斯汀·哈钦斯, 第二副总统鲍勃·马瑟尼(Bob Matheny)列出了为城镇提供税收灵活性的潜在选择, 包括立法草案(见下文链接). It asks that the General Assembly consider these options as critical finance decisions are made, noting that they would give municipalities financial flexibility but are not mandates that would force their use.

“We want to provide the services that people who live in cities need and expect, but also build the infrastructure and offer the investments that grow our economy and create jobs. 城市不需要施舍. 我们正在寻求合作伙伴关系。. 365足彩下载成员和工作人员在整个立法会议期间就城市收入提案游说立法者,并提醒立法者,他们承诺在去年通过废除特权许可证税的立法时考虑这些提案. 立法者现在正在进入谈判阶段,他们最有可能重新审视这些问题,并呼吁为城镇提供税收选择. Please contact them again and engage others whom they know to make the case for cities and towns. If you would like more information regarding the proposals or assistance 联系议员, please contact me.
你可以阅读致立法者的信的全文 here. 随该信提供的法案建议草案可在此找到 here and here.

League members were a noticeable presence at the Legislative Building this week as action continued around HB 117 NC竞争法. The Senate passed the revised sales tax reallocation plan this week in a 34-12 vote, 然后让支持该计划的当地政府官员参加了在立法大楼前举行的集会. That same day, 一群来自卡特雷特县的市政和县官员, 即使在修订后的计划下,哪个国家的收入也会减少, 会见了包括法案发起人在内的立法者, Sen. 哈里·布朗,讨论他们的反对意见.

参议院销售税重新分配计划的最新版本将把地方授权的销售税按50-50的人均和销售点分配给各县和各市. 该法案与之前的版本相比有了很大的变化,之前的版本将地方销售税全部或大部分按人均分配, 但这仍然意味着城市和旅游县的收入损失. Currently, 75 percent of sales taxes are distributed to counties on a point-of-sale basis, 而人均回报率为25%.

除了销售税再分配, the bill includes provisions providing business recruiting incentives that are key to bringing jobs to the state. 这些规定是针对365足彩下载市政365体育足彩目标. Senator Brown has noted his work with the League and other groups in the revisions to the plan, and League members and staff continue to discuss revenue options for municipalities as a part of those discussions. (See above.)

We want to thank all League members for their contacts with legislators on these crucial revenue issues. Also, 这要感谢布朗参议员和许多议员,他们最近同意与全州各地的市政官员坐下来讨论该计划的影响. 你可以阅读媒体对本周事件的报道 here. This video 来自NC Insider关注周三围绕该计划的活动,并邀请格林维尔市长艾伦·托马斯. Contact: Rose Williams

众议院和参议院本周通过了一项持续预算决议,在8月6日之前继续为州运作提供资金. 31, giving themselves an additional two weeks to reach a budget agreement. 之前的持续决议, 该法案在本财年7月1日开始前通过, 是今天到期的吗. 只有两名众议院议员投票反对新的持续决议, 但这个问题在参议院的争议更大. Sen. 汤姆·阿波达卡反对这项措施, 他说,立法者已经有足够长的时间来讨论预算,预算的不确定性正在伤害学区. In the end the Senate approved the continuing resolution by a vote of 33-9. 昨天下午,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 told WRAL 他说,众议院和参议院已接近就预算的总支出数字达成一致,他乐观地认为,预算可能在8月6日之前获得通过. 31 deadline. Rep. Chuck McGrady, one of the chairs of the House Appropriations Committee, indicated that he would be spending the weekend in Raleigh working on the budget. Contact: Chris Nida

Governor Pat McCrory rallied supporters of historic preservation tax credits before the State Capitol on Wednesday, while 参议院领袖菲尔·伯格 暗示在这个问题上可能会有进展. Governor McCrory, 对大约125人讲话, 他说,保守派和自由派都应该同意,鼓励私人投资历史建筑的税收抵免政策有利于整个州的经济发展. He  was joined by Secretary of Cultural Resources Susan Kluttz and other cabinet officials, 还有几位立法者. 支持者中有几名市政官员.

In her remarks, 克卢茨部长指出,365足彩下载与她的办公室和麦克罗里政府在365体育足彩历史性税收抵免的重要性方面所做的工作. The tax credits expired in December, and the House has passed both separate legislation, HB 152新的历史保护税收抵免, and a provision in its version of the budget that would restore an historic tax credit. Rep. Stephen Ross该法案的主要发起人之一,也在周三的活动上发表了讲话.

Although Senate leaders have opposed bringing back the credits, 参议院领袖菲尔·伯格 told the N.C. Insider this week that they are not dead this session and will be a part of budget discussions. 恢复税收抵免是365足彩下载的一个关键 立法倡导目标. 365足彩下载感谢州长, Secretary Kluttz, Representative Ross, 以及所有议员,感谢他们继续研究税收抵免对北卡罗来纳州各城镇经济发展努力的重要性. We also want to thank League members for their work in promoting the issue, 联系议员, 并帮助克鲁茨部长参观历史遗迹. 阅读媒体对该事件的报道 here 看看州长办公室的录像 here. Contact: Scott Mooneyham

众议院和参议院本周批准了最终立法,该立法将延长地方政府发展备用911中心能力的时间. 批准会议报告 修订/澄清后备PSAP要求 这意味着,只要地方政府能够证明,在发展初级911呼叫中心的后备能力方面取得了实质性进展,就不能拒绝为911呼叫中心提供资金, 或公共安全回应点(psap). 进度必须在2016年7月1日前公布.

该法案现在交给了州长. 帕特·麦克罗里将被签署成为法律. Last year, 365足彩下载党成功阻止了一项可能迫使市政当局建造昂贵新设施的法案中的措辞 为了展示911中心的后备能力. The conference report did remove from HB 512 a provision that the League worked hard to have added in the Senate, which would achieve 这是365足彩下载立法的首要任务 防止市政当局对县服务收取额外费用,而这些服务已经由县财产税提供资金.

在与365足彩下载和其他利益相关者合作之后, the conferees determined that there were too many questions to keep the provision in the final recommended version. Fortunately, this allows the League to continue to seek legislative action on HB 730县提供911调度服务今年4月,该法案在众议院获得了一致通过 会达到同样的目标吗. The League thanks Rep. Jason Saine, Rep. Susan MartinSen. Louis Pate and the other conferees for working on these important provisions and seeking the League's feedback. Contact: Sarah Collins

在7月下旬参议院通过之后, 本周,众议院交通委员会提出了全州范围内针对优步和Lyft等拼车公司的规定. Among other things, SB 541规范运输网络公司 would place insurance and driver background check requirements on ride-sharing companies, and prevent airports from precluding ride-sharing companies from operating there. The statewide regulatory scheme would only apply to "Transportation Network Companies" (TNCs), 该法案将哪些定义为使用在线应用程序或平台将乘客与司机联系起来.
While the bill prevents local governments from imposing additional requirements on the TNCs, 立法者与市政官员和其他利益相关者合作,建立了一个全州范围的监管体系,使城市和居民受益. Rep. Bill Brawley even noted in committee that although the bill was initially drafted to prevent cities from regulating TNCs, 城市已经成为达成这种“良好妥协”的一部分.365足彩下载感谢法案赞助商 Sen. Floyd McKissick and Rep. 感谢比尔·布劳利的辛勤工作. 该法案现在将提交众议院财政委员会. Contact: Sarah Collins
Cities stand to lose tens of millions of dollars statewide with the passage this week of HB 168豁免建筑商库存, which Gov. 麦克罗里今天收到的签名. The bill, 哪一项允许建筑商在一段时间内或直到房产出售之前,对其房产进行改善时免征房产税, comes on top of an estimated $62 million loss for cities with last year's repeal of the privilege license tax. 尽管团员和工作人员反对,议案还是通过了, 在整个委员会审查过程中, 指出了城市服务, 包括警察和消防, would have to be provided to developing subdivisions and other unsold, newly-built homes. The governor has 10 days to sign the builder's tax exemption into law or let it become law without his signature. The bill passed both the House and Senate with near-unanimous votes; read more details about the bill in 上周的联赛公告. Contact: Chris Nida
众议院和参议院本周最终批准了一项立法,旨在防止披露执法人员的家庭住址或其他可能使他们及其家人受到伤害的个人信息. SB 699保护狮子座家庭住址/其他资料 would prohibit the public disclosure of law enforcement officers' home address, emergency contact information or other personally identifying information. 该法案现在交给了州长. 帕特·麦克罗里将被签署成为法律.
众议院通过了一项立法,该立法可能会使地方政府和州政府机构向无人机飞行迈进一步. SB 446经销商贷款/无人驾驶飞机/Brunswick公司. was approved by the House 106-4; the Senate will now consider House changes. Public and private drone flights are still prohibited under most circumstances by federal rules, but states have been passing laws in anticipation of FAA rules that would open the skies for more of the planes. SB 446法案将赋予该州首席信息官更大的权力,批准无人驾驶飞机用于执法和应急管理等用途. 阅读更多关于该法案的信息 here.