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League Bulletin

August 4, 2017

With so many questions afloat over the effects of new legislation on system development fees or impact fees, League Legislative Counsel Erin Wynia and City of Raleigh Associate City Attorney Dan McLawhorn have authored a clarifying guide. “制定公用事业影响费的新方法”提供了背景, context, 对新立法(HB 436)的解释和一个简单的Q&一个部分,全部在易于理解的10页内. You can download it here it now.

Just two weeks remain to pre-register for Connect CityVision 2017 -- the League's annual conference scheduled for Sept. 格林维尔的比例是20比23,座位很快就满了. Register now to represent your town. Don't miss your chance to join with hundreds of municipal officials from across North Carolina to network and learn best practices for connecting to technology, 到邻近的城镇, 给区域项目和组织, 以及有影响力的领导能力. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 没有其他活动能像CityVision这样. Register now!

Sign up now for the League's Aug. 15 webinar on small-cell wireless legislation that recently passed the General Assembly and learn what it means for local governments. After registering, 您将收到一封确认邮件,其中包含有关参加网络研讨会的信息, which will begin at 10 a.m.

议员们于周四返回罗利进行为期一天的会议, 重新召开立法会议,采取有限行动. Two measures approved, though, 会影响市政当局, as a bill affecting occupancies taxes in a number of cities and towns gained final approval in the Senate and the House and Senate agreed on a wide-ranging regulatory bill that includes a stormwater change.

Legislators had decided in June to reconvene on the set date to address any vetoes by Gov. Roy Cooper and also while awaiting court instruction on drawing new legislative districts. Despite those intentions, they declined to take up any vetoes because a number of absences made any override votes more unpredictable. 取而代之的是,他们将于8月5日再次召开会议. 18.

参议院最终批准了 sb552综合地方占用税, legislation that will allow the City of Jacksonville to put more proceeds from local occupancy taxes toward infrastructure. It also allows the City of Sanford and the Town of Saluda to begin charging occupancy taxes. The changes allowing more flexibility in occupancy tax spending align with an advocacy goal of cities and towns to allow more of those dollars to be spent on infrastructure -- rather than putting most of the money toward promotional campaigns -- that help bring tourism dollars to a community. 众议院和参议院早在6月份就达成了妥协法案, but procedurally the Senate ran out of time before casting a second and final vote on the compromise.

A provision in SB 16 Business & Agency Reg. Reform Act of 2017 -- with a final version approved by the House and Senate on Thursday -- would clarify state stormwater rules with language stating that, 如现有发展项目被重新发展, 雨水缓解将只适用于额外的不透水表面. 阅读媒体对为期一天会议的报道 here.

Gov. 罗伊·库珀已经清理了他桌上的待处理账单, 至少是那些在周四为期一天的立法会复会之前通过的法案. 周一,他的办公室发出通知,称他已经让他的办公室 last four remaining bills 没有他的签名就成为法律. 没有一个涉及市政问题. They included HB 527恢复/保护校园言论自由, which with Gov. Cooper took issue over the concept of uniform policy for university campus expression rather than let the universities' own respective leaders decide. 不过,他没有否决这项立法.
Sen. Tommy Tucker of Waxhaw announced on Thursday that he would not seek re-election to his General Assembly seat. In a 新闻媒体在社交媒体上分享了这份声明, the co-chairman of the chamber's Finance Committee said he has "long believed in term limits for judges and politicians. 在担任了四届国会议员之后.C. Senate, the time has come for me to allow others to step in and serve Union County and our state.塔克参议员于2010年首次当选. His legislative committee memberships also include Senate Rules and the Joint Legislative Committee on Local Government.

地方政府正从这一超过168美元的声明中受益.5 million in grants and loans that the State Water Infrastructure Authority has approved for 62 drinking-water and wastewater projects. 据一位知情人士透露,这些债券是Connect NC三轮债券融资的第二轮 press release detailing the aid. “需要改进, 全州范围内的水系统修复和更换是巨大的," Kim Colson, DEQ水利基础设施部门的主管, said. "Without this funding, 许多社区甚至无法着手解决基础设施问题."


戴上耳机,开始 brand new episode of Municipal Equation. The rundown: If we gather up a bunch of "State of the City" addresses from mayors across the U.S. 然后把它们重叠,你认为哪些词和主题会排列起来? 嗯,全国城市365足彩下载 does that kind of work, and it's enlightening. We talk with NLC about its latest examination to find out what today's mayors are saying in chorus and why -- after a chat about a rare total solar eclipse over the gem-studded mountain town of Franklin. 北卡罗来纳州的几位市长也会出席——富兰克林的鲍勃·斯科特, 威尔明顿的比尔·萨福和伯特利的格洛丽斯汀·布朗加入了365足彩下载主席鲍勃·马西尼的行列, mayor of Zebulon, 讨论他们所在城镇的挑战和变化. 以上就是最新一集的内容 Municipal Equation这是365足彩下载关于时代变迁中的城镇的双周播客. Subscribe on iTunes (并留下友好的评论).

The N.C. Department of Commerce has issued a memo on the availability of $10 million in Community Development Block Grant funds for small businesses in areas hit by Hurricane Matthew last year, “尤其是受影响最严重的四个县:罗布森, Cumberland, Edgecombe, and Wayne.合格的申请者包括地方政府实体, 感兴趣的小企业组织, nonprofit small-business lending intermediaries (including community development financial institutions), 以及这些实体之间的正式伙伴关系.
康科德市长斯科特·帕吉特被任命为 地方政府委员会这是由州长任命的. Roy Cooper. Mayor Padgett, in a news release 从城里来的,说这是一种荣誉. "I look forward having a role in upholding the long tradition of fiscal responsibility and good government in North Carolina, 体现了每一天的13,000个地方政府单位,从市、县到教育委员会, special districts, and authorities.根据新闻稿, Mayor Padgett, 在市议会任职多年后,谁自2001年以来一直担任该职位, 将于今年12月卸任市长一职. 365足彩下载对他的任命表示祝贺.
The National League of Cities (NLC) on Wednesday announced a new program "aimed at elevating local climate engagement activities" in cities and towns across the U.S. It's part of NLC's 可持续城市研究所, which helps municipalities identify and implement measures for clean air, water and land. The NLC announcement about the new program, 是与ecoAmerica合作推出的, 提供所提供的工具和资源的详细信息. They include, "Let's Talk Communities & 气候:城市和社区领导人的沟通指南."

As communities in the state's southeast deal with the discovery of a unexpected compound called GenX在公共供水系统, a state science panel focused on protecting the public and environment from new or unregulated chemicals has expanded, according to Gov. 罗伊·库珀政府. "We are taking every necessary step to protect public health and the quality of our water and air by addressing emerging chemicals of concern such as GenX and hexavalent chromium," N.C. 环境质量部(DEQ)部长迈克尔·里根(Michael Regan)在 announcement 由州长的行动触发. "This panel will provide the state with much-needed scientific expertise to confront these issues." The panel, called the Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board, will expand from eight to 11 members. Its duties will include performing or recommending reviews and evaluations of contaminants released into the environment and giving input to state health officials as the agency sets health goals for emerging contaminants. The panel's new charter offers full details.
