


The General Assembly dropped its final gavel 的 2016 short session in the late hours of July 1 after addressing a number of provisions of municipal interest, in some cases improving them before approval or dropping potentially harmful measures. The roughly 10 weeks of legislating closed as League staff worked diligently with lawmakers to ensure the best possible outcomes on proposals that were in circulation. The League would again like to thank all lawmakers who worked with the League 和 individual municipalities to better underst和 their concerns 和 hear how healthy cities 和 towns benefit the entire state.


  • HB 483土地使用法规变更: Passed - After weeks of intense pressure 和 negotiations by municipal officials 和 l和-use law practitioners across the state, 立法者最终将HB 483的大部分内容搁置一边. 而不是, 就在本年度休会前几小时, they signed off on a proposal that granted statutory vested rights for multi-phase developments for a period of seven years. The vested rights period would begin upon site plan approval for the initial phase 的 multi-phase development, 法案中定义的术语. 立法机关于7月1日批准了该法案. 点击这里 查看365足彩下载此前对该法案早期措辞的报道.
  • hb100地方政府移民合规: Did not pass - 立法机关 adjourned without final consideration of this bill, which sought to block local governments from school 和 Powell Bill funding if found to have "sanctuary" policies for immigrants in the country illegally. 国联反对这项措施, pointing out that it contained no apparent provisions for hearings or discovery. 进一步, in tying local road funding to a law unrelated to street construction 和 maintenance, 该法案可能会以与该问题无关的方式惩罚当地纳税人. 国联也不知道有任何市镇违反法律. The bill went to the House Rules Committee on June 28 和 never resurfaced.
  • SB 481基金小企业/DOR裁决/城市道路: Passed - The League worked with bill sponsors 和 other stakeholders to delay until July 1, 2017, implementation of a provision that would prohibit cities from charging utility companies fees for work in municipal rights-of-way. That amendment ensured that cities that had already passed budgets containing revenues from these fees wouldn't have budget holes at the start 的 new fiscal year. The same bill also includes legal exemptions that enable small businesses to crowdfund, 或者从北卡罗来纳州的普通投资者那里筹集资金. 立法机关于6月29日批准了该法案.
  • SB 326地方政府/建筑物/结构/检查: Passed - Places restrictions on the ways cities run rental registration programs. Cities around the state have used these programs successfully to force absentee l和lords to address repeated housing violations on their properties, improving the quality of available housing 和 protecting the public safety of neighboring tenants 和 property owners. (点击这里 阅读365足彩下载之前对该法案的报道和修改.立法机关于7月1日批准了该法案.
  • HB 630饮用水保护/煤灰清理法案: Passed - This was the second coal ash-related bill that passed 和 was a compromise reached after Gov. Pat McCrory否决了SB 71. The League requested the earlier bill include some assurance that a public water system's solvency be taken into account when electric providers provide alternate drinking water supplies to property owners near the coal ash impoundments. HB 630包括保护这些公共供水系统的语言. 立法机关于6月30日批准了该法案.
  • HB 972执法记录/无公共记录: Passed - The passage of this bill followed League-member presentations to an interim legislative study committee on the many complex issues related to law enforcement agencies' use of body-worn cameras. That feedback helped to shape the final proposal, which didn't m和ate the use of body cams. The bill addressed needed statutory clarification on whether these recordings would be considered public record or a personnel record. 立法机关于6月30日批准了该法案.
  • Regulatory Reform Package: Did not pass - The chambers left without agreement on a large regulatory reform package. Individual reg reform bills that would have impacted cities 和 towns went to negotiating tables without resolution, 包括 2016年sb303监管改革法案HB 593修订环境和其他法律. HB 763 2016年军事行动保护法 议员们离开的时候也没有完成.
  • SB 667选举综合修订: Passed - A League-opposed provision in this bill sets sight on even-numbered-year municipal elections by 2020. Section 5 directs the Joint 立法 Elections Oversight Committee to study implementation options 和 recommend any related legislation. 该法案于7月1日通过.
  • SB 897阿什维尔市议会选区: Did not pass - The House voted down this Senate proposal to change how Asheville City Council members are elected, with individual legislators arguing that it shouldn’t be the General Assembly’s call. Officials with the city had argued that any such changes in the form of local elections should be decided locally.
  • HB 550罗利阿波达卡服务犬退休法案: Passed - This bill would authorize towns 和 counties to transfer ownership of police dogs 和 other public service animals to their caring h和lers. The title is a tribute to Raleigh Apodaca, the late K-9 companion of retiring Sen. 汤姆·阿波达卡是该法案的发起人. Individual bills over the years have allowed certain agencies to transfer service animals over to specified parties, 包括 two bills this session that applied to Clevel和 和 Wake counties. 阿波达卡法案规定了该州任何地方的转移标准. 立法机关于6月30日通过了该法案.

在周五的最后几圈,立法机构也派出了州长 a $22.30亿预算 其中包括北卡罗来纳州市政当局的几个积极因素, 包括 a continuation of Powell Bill funding at the level approved last year -- $147.全州500万. 此外,预算:

  • 资助近60个城市的市中心振兴
  • Directs the Department of Environmental Quality to allocate funds for water resources programs that include projects in several cities 和 towns around the state
  • Provides community colleges with money to create a continuing education program for local government 和 public authority finance officers
  • Gives additional funding for state water 和 wastewater infrastructure grants
  • Continues the state's film grant program; gives additional money to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund
  • Sets up a study on the benefits of beach nourishment 和 the impact 的 coastal economy
  • Increases receipts for the Local Government Commission to fund an additional position to assist local governments with financial matters.

The budget went to the governor after strong, bipartisan approval in the House 和 Senate. Thanks so much to the General Assembly for its consideration of municipalities in the budget's development. The League is now assembling its End-of-Session Bulletin to provide a detailed record of all legislation of interest to cities 和 towns 和 how each proposal fared. 点击这里 for up-to-date information on bills that are pending on the governor's desk or already signed into law.

美国.S. 司法部想要看公共设施隐私 & 安全法案, 或众议院法案2, 由于联邦机构在法庭上提出质疑,该法案被暂停执行. It filed for a temporary injunction Tuesday night with an argument that HB2 is substantially damaging to the state 和 LGBT individuals. 根据… 媒体报道, it's possible USDOJ's case applies only to government agencies 和 employees, as its filing doesn't specifically discuss the portion of HB2 that prohibits municipalities from passing citywide anti-discrimination ordinances, such as the one the Charlotte City Council passed earlier this year to allow transgender individuals the right to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. 立法机关 3月召开了特别会议 to overturn that ordinance via HB2, which prohibited such local action statewide. 点击这里 阅读更多关于美国司法部新文件的媒体报道. 点击这里 阅读文件本身. WRAL本周也发布了报告 that HB2 could cost Raleigh as much as $40 million in convention business, 每个引用HB2的取消.

A $35 million-per-year allocation from the General Assembly can be thanked for one 的 biggest customers the Port of Wilmington has received to date. 据威尔明顿星报报道, 韩进巴尔的摩号是一艘集装箱船,近1艘,000 feet long 和 140-feet wide 和 is symbolic 的 kind of traffic the port will receive in the future following the expansion 的 Panama Canal. The State Ports Authority had asked the legislature to help fund improvements that would accommodate the larger "post-Panamax" ships coming through. Ports officials said that's vital to keep up with business 和 compete with other states' ports, 总的来说,这对北卡罗来纳州的经济是有利的. 根据 a港务局新闻稿, 这里的港口活动为全州贡献了76,000个工作岗位和每年7亿美元的州和地方税收.

The Wilmington newspaper on Tuesday reported that the legislature's allocation, 从去年开始, made the Hanjin Baltimore's visit possible 和 would help to fund the purchase of two new cranes 和 berth improvement. 该港口希望在未来几年将其吞吐量增加一倍. 首席商务官格雷格·芬内尔说, "If t在这里 was ever a doubt that we could not accept a post-Panamax vessel, 这艘船结束了这场争论." 点击这里 查看船只经过秃头岛的视频.

两个集市政方程播客 本周与国家, state 和 local voices weighing in on the challenges that municipalties face with infrastructure funding. 根据 全国城市365足彩下载最近的一份报告, the burden of paying for infrastructure keeps sliding to local government. 为什么? 更重要的是,我们能做些什么? This episode exlores the infrastructure deficit 和 the tools that municipalities can explore to trim it down. 点击这里收听在这里 查看近期新闻 & 观察者对播客发布的报道,从 the inspiring survival story of Winston-Salem City Councilmember Denise Adams他是365足彩下载董事会成员,也是封面人物 刊登在最新一期的《365体育足彩》上. 市政方程 is made possible by the North Carolina League of Municipalties. 它适用于 iTunes免费订阅 和 can be streamed on most podcast apps, like Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast 和 Google Play. 制作人/主持人:本·布朗.

Governments 和 businesses across the world are looking to Asheville for smarts 和 solutions when it comes to weighing flood risk, 根据《365体育足彩》的一篇报道. It describes "cutting-edge three-dimensional software mapping models" developed at UNC Asheville that are helping policymakers far 和 wide to better underst和 flood vulnerabilities for planning purposes. “风险是巨大的, 现在的热门话题,杰夫·泰勒说。, 一位来自夏洛特的工程师参与了这个项目, 正如新闻报道的那样. It added that the mapping technology could serve as the foundation for government emergency-response planning against disasters like the flooding seen last month in West Virginia, 哪里20多人死亡,1多人死亡,200座房屋被毁. 点击这里 阅读完整的故事.

Four North Carolina cities are ranked among the top in the nation for software engineering careers. 市场 website Glassdoor crunched numbers on cities across the nation to compile 25强榜单 of those w在这里 software engineers earn the most 和 found Raleigh in an impressive fifth place. The website examined cost-of-living data in each city 和 weighed them against the local software engineer salary-base to determine a "real adjusted salary." After the math, Glassdoor found the salary to be $94,142 in Raleigh, w在这里 the cost of living is 4.比全国平均水平低4%. The site counted 416 related job openings in Raleigh at the time 的 study. The site also ranked Durham 和 Chapell Hill together as 12th in the nation, 调整后的实际工资是88美元,143英镑,生活费用4英镑.比全国平均水平低7%. Charlotte came in at 18th, with a real adjusted salary of $85,653 和 a cost of living at 6.比全国平均水平低6%.