



事情发生的经过: 将军的工作节奏 Assembly picked up significantly, with chamber leaders expressing hope that they could wrap up the lawmaking 会话 by next week’s end. “我们将拭目以待 happens,” 参议院 leader Phil Berger told the Insider State 政府ernment News 服务,并补充说,没有保证. 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔也发表了类似声明 的想法. “…if it has to be the following week, that’s fine, but the goal is to 下周就出去,”同一家报纸援引他的话说. 否则,线索 were in the kind of bills that materialized this week, the kind that typify late-会话 activity, including a regulatory reform bill we’ll brief you on in 这个公告. 忙于议案的参议院周五举行了一次不同寻常的会议 会话.

单词释义: 对于城市来说,这是主要的推动力 本周的主题是重置收入. 决定如何分配这150美元 million from the CARES Act that is being held in the local government reserve 正在协商中. 考虑到所有的情况,我们强烈要求你采取行动 now 和 let your legislators know how important it is that funds be directly allocated to cities 和城镇 to help them recover from the p和emic’s 不利影响. 详情见下文的公报.

利用: 我们正在关注法案的进展 总结如下. 值得注意的是,城市和城镇,他们认为N.C. 部门 Transportation funding, system development fees, 和 several angles on 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

瘦子: 过去的一周也标志着一个重大的 first-ever for the League – a virtual version of our annual conference, CityVision 2020的参与人数达到了历史新高. 专注于 municipal governance in p和emic times, the energy concentrated there is a great sign of the involvement 和 care of municipal officials across North 卡罗莱纳. 让我们保持这种活力. 阅读下面的动作提示.

状态 legislators are continuing to discuss how to appropriate additional federal CARES Act relief funds which they placed in reserve for local governments. 请联系你的立法者 周末 urge them to treat cities 和城镇 equitably by providing $150 million in the CARES Act local government reserve fund directly to 市! 告诉他们,到目前为止,国家提供了 no direct allocation to cities 和城镇 to address their 新型冠状病毒肺炎 related needs, 和 that at least two dozen counties have indicated, in state reporting, that they will not be sharing federal CARES Act dollars with 市.

也让 他们知道:

城市是 私营企业所依赖的基础设施建设者. 当城市 forced to cut spending, economic recovery of the state will be delayed. 未来 增长将被推迟.

市 are the primary providers of water 和 sewer service to North Carolinians, 和 those utility funds are suffering due to bill non-payments even though they 有必须支付的固定费用吗.

城市和 towns are front-line providers of first responders, who have been crucial in 应对新型冠状病毒肺炎危机. U.S. 财政部指引现在允许 收回这些成本的灵活性.

北卡罗来纳 emerge strong from the economic effects of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, the financial health of 城市和城镇至关重要. 联系 your legislator this 周末 let them know that providing equitable assistance to 市 is a critical part of the state’s economic 复苏!

的 N.C. 部门 Transportation would see improved finances as well as an altered governance 和 oversight structure under twin legislative proposals 本周进展. 这些措施主要是为了应对 越来越多的财政 麻烦 在该部门,造成了严重的预算削减,工作 整个州都在停工和休假.

首先,新 语言 Hb 77点 2020-2021财年预算/治理 迅速,一致收到 本周参议院的审议. 冗长的法案包括修改 budget plans for the state’s transportation operations in the upcoming fiscal 一年. While the bill ensured the gas tax rate would not decrease at its next readjustment point—thereby shoring up the state’s largest transportation revenue source—the bill made cuts to numerous spending categories that affected transportation 城市活动. 公共交通在这方面大幅削减 proposal, including the zeroing-out of a critical public transit assistance fund called the State Maintenance Assistance Program for FY 20-21. 该法案 also balanced Powell Bill distributions for cities in the next fiscal 一年 by 减少夏洛特和罗利的拨款. 然后,从一个治理 perspective, the bill implemented numerous fiscal oversight 和 accountability 流程. 它还 修改 任命 到N.C. 运输委员会.

同样在本周,众议院 advanced a bond proposal sponsored by 房子 Speaker Tim Moore that would include funding for both transportation 和 education needs across the state. 众议院通过 HB 1225教育 & 2020年运输债券法案 昨天以113票赞成,4票反对 the package will likely receive a final 房子 vote next week. 在参议院, however, the measure likely faces a chilly reception amidst the economic downturn, with 参议院 President Pro Tem Phil Berger telling the Insider State 政府ernment News Service yesterday, “If your boss has told you that he’s cutting your pay next week, do you go out 和 borrow money to buy a new car? 我只是 我不知道这就是答案.”

的 point in time at which some water systems would collect system development fees would change under new compromise language introduced this week in HB 873系统 发展费/ADU污水渠许可证. 该改,改到哪去 是国联在N.C. 住宅建造商协会建议 the change, would apply in a tightly-defined set of circumstances. Specifically, the water systems affected by this change would be those that 目前在平台备案时收取费用. 如果法案通过 into law as expected, that timing would be pushed to a point 晚些时候 in the development process: either when an applicant applies for a building permit or when the water service was committed by the water system -- whichever point was 晚些时候. 该法案 also contained language requested by the League to clarify another part of the system development fee law 和 ensure that some water 系统可以利用收费收入来偿还资本债务. 最后,账单 included an unrelated provision crafted with input from city officials which would streamline sewer connections for a form of affordable housing called 附属住宅单位.”


与 nearly 750 municipal officials registered 和 a highlight number of cities 和 towns represented, CityVision 2020, which began on 周二 和 wrapped up 星期四是365足彩下载的一个历史性事件. 这不仅仅是关于 numbers – it was the first time the League held its annual conference in virtual form, online only, in adherence to social distancing 和 mass gathering 2019冠状病毒病的影响仍在继续. 面对面的同志情谊 missed, but the virtual format didn’t hamper engagement over the three-day program (which was “part two” of the conference, following opening activities 和 the swearing-in of new 365足彩下载董事会 members during “part one” 5月). 新型冠状病毒肺炎 became the focus of the conference this 一年, with live 会话s fearing state government officials tackling relevant angles to cities 和城镇. Day one focused on economic development issues, economic forecasts 以及社区可以用来反弹的直接工具. 第二天就这样过去了 the p和emic’s impact on operations 和 ways that 市 could leverage 未来弹性技术. 最后一天集中在力量 leadership during crises 和 skillset-building for future events that could 影响城镇. 365足彩下载一直为你们的订婚而振奋 focus of its membership 和 thanks all who attended 和 made CityVision 2020 如此独特的成功.

沿着 with the quickened end-of-会话 pace of this legislative week, lawmakers took up numerous 新型冠状病毒肺炎 response bills, many of which affected cities.

紧急声明. 当地没有宣布紧急状态 would take effect until it had been published on the local government’s website 并提交给联合国.C. 公共安全部门的WebEOC危急 事故管理系统. 这项新要求将列入一项规定 包含在 HB 374法规 2020年改革法案 (20节). 它是应联合国的要求而来的.C. Retail Merchants Association, which had long pushed for a centralized database 宣布地方进入紧急状态. 虽然众议院提出了这个 bill through several committees this week, it still faces additional 房子 committee 和 full chamber consideration before heading to the 参议院.

预算法案. 参众两院继续 consider bills this week that would spend down the remaining $2 billion in previously unappropriated federal funding from the CARES Act. (城市 requested direct allocation of a separate pot of CARES Act funding, as detailed 在本公报其他地方.值得注意的是,在城市方面,众议院举行了一场投票 讨论——只听 HB 1200 止赎上一页.授予/租赁 & 工具分类 周二. 这 bill, supported by NCLM 和 numerous other stakeholder groups, would appropriate $200 million for assistance to qualifying renters, homeowners, 和 公用事业客户,这样他们就能付账单了. 行动 另一关怀法案 拨款法案 昨天,众议院全体投票通过了 send the bill back to committee, with instructions to consider adding two items that would amount to unfunded m和ates on local government employers: a firefighters special separation allowance 和 automatic worker’s compensation 为感染新型冠状病毒肺炎的员工提供保险. 365足彩下载党非常接近 随着这一发展.

法律豁免权. 所有N.C. 私营企业及 units of government would receive immunity from lawsuits alleging an act or 疏漏导致了2019冠状病毒病的收缩 Hb 118 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Liab. 安全港. 豁免不适用于下列情况 gross negligence, willful or wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing. 的 bill, backed by numerous interest groups, 通过了 the 参议院 this week 和 awaits 房子考虑.

重新订单. 立法会两院 continued their line of bills this week to override state 和 local declarations of emergency related to the terms of how businesses must operate 大流行期间. 根据之前的法案,所有的餐馆, bars, 和 gyms to reopen in accordance with certain operational regulations, legislators this week took up similar bills to allow the reopening of skating 溜冰场及保龄球场(SB 599开放 溜冰场/保龄球馆); amusement parks, water parks, 和 活动中心(SB 258开放 游乐园/拱廊/场所); 和 privately-organized 独立日庆祝活动及烟花汇演(HB 686自由 庆祝七月四日). 政府. 罗伊·库珀示意 intention to veto bills of this type, telling the Raleigh News & 观察者 yesterday, “I have concerns about these legislative m和ates. 这很简单 to vote for a bill that lifts restrictions when you don’t have to deal with the 后果.”

这 week, the 参议院 approved the Viable Utility Reserve -- a new grant program that would support financially distressed public water 和 wastewater systems by facilitating viable operations 和 encouraging regionalization. 参议员 通过了 HB 1087 水/废水公共企业改革 本周提供了9美元 100万的非经常性国家基金.

的 bill language was result of a 一年long legislative study 和 stakeholder process that focused on the more than $17 billion in water 和 sewer infrastructure needs statewide 和 also includes a study of the feasibility of authorizing historical charters for units of local government. 365足彩下载委员会 President Jennifer Robinson had previously sent letters to both 房子参议院 sponsors thanking them for their support of the Viable Utility Reserve.

参议院增加了条款 to the bill, including reallocating some existing funds to specific local water 和 wastewater utility projects, so the bill heads back to the 房子 for their 批准. 365足彩下载谢谢 代表. 查克 麦迪森. 保罗·牛顿 for their leadership during the legislative study committee 和 stakeholder 过程.


In other activity this week, the following bills of interest to cities 和城镇 收到的行动还有:

HB1208资金 劳动力住房贷款计划. 一般 Assembly approved 和 sent to the governor’s desk this bill, from 代表. 唐尼 伦敦朗伯斯区, to fund a workforce housing program that wasn’t previously 计划用于经常性国家投资. 经济适用房是一个焦点 365足彩下载目前的名单 365体育足彩目标, 由成员城市和城镇设置.

HB425实现 康纳定律. 参议院将这项法案提交给 拨出非经常性资金支付下列福利 康纳定律 from 2019, which generally increased penalties for using weapons to assault law 执法人员.

SB 380澄清 重罪拥有抽奖机. 众议院提出了 比尔,根据 一个总结 大会扩大了现有犯罪的范围 amending the definition of “electronic machine or device” to cover machines or devices that are autonomous 和 exp和ing the definition of “entertaining 显示.”

的 following is an excerpt from a release from the office of State Treasurer Dale Folwell: 

州财政部长戴尔·R. 注册会计师福尔韦尔呼吁州长. 罗伊•库珀 和司法部长乔什·斯坦给予豁免 行政命令 142 对于那些运营公共设施的城市来说,比如  of 北卡罗莱纳. Without the waivers some of the citizen-owned utilities could 面临潜在的破产.

5月30日,奥巴马政府宣布. 库珀发布了第142号行政命令,允许 customer to defer payments to utilities, including electric, natural gas, 卫生,供水和下水道四个月. 这个行政命令是 的延伸  行政命令 124 3月发行. 在周期结束时,顺序 further requires that utilities give customers months to pay the incurred costs 从未付款期开始.

While the order is meant to help people during the economic hardship caused by 新型冠状病毒肺炎, citizen-owned utilities across the state have seen precipitous drops in revenue due to lower business usage 和 non-payment of 水电费. 这 results in the cities being unable to pay for the costs of 提供这些服务.



事情发生的经过: 将军的工作节奏 Assembly picked up significantly, with chamber leaders expressing hope that they could wrap up the lawmaking 会话 by next week’s end. “我们将拭目以待 happens,” 参议院 leader Phil Berger told the Insider State 政府ernment News 服务,并补充说,没有保证. 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔也发表了类似声明 的想法. “…if it has to be the following week, that’s fine, but the goal is to 下周就出去,”同一家报纸援引他的话说. 否则,线索 were in the kind of bills that materialized this week, the kind that typify late-会话 activity, including a regulatory reform bill we’ll brief you on in 这个公告. 忙于议案的参议院周五举行了一次不同寻常的会议 会话.

单词释义: 对于城市来说,这是主要的推动力 本周的主题是重置收入. 决定如何分配这150美元 million from the CARES Act that is being held in the local government reserve 正在协商中. 考虑到所有的情况,我们强烈要求你采取行动 now 和 let your legislators know how important it is that funds be directly allocated to cities 和城镇 to help them recover from the p和emic’s 不利影响. 详情见下文的公报.

利用: 我们正在关注法案的进展 总结如下. 值得注意的是,城市和城镇,他们认为N.C. 部门 Transportation funding, system development fees, 和 several angles on 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

瘦子: 过去的一周也标志着一个重大的 first-ever for the League – a virtual version of our annual conference, CityVision 2020的参与人数达到了历史新高. 专注于 municipal governance in p和emic times, the energy concentrated there is a great sign of the involvement 和 care of municipal officials across North 卡罗莱纳. 让我们保持这种活力. 阅读下面的动作提示.

状态 legislators are continuing to discuss how to appropriate additional federal CARES Act relief funds which they placed in reserve for local governments. 请联系你的立法者 周末 urge them to treat cities 和城镇 equitably by providing $150 million in the CARES Act local government reserve fund directly to 市! 告诉他们,到目前为止,国家提供了 no direct allocation to cities 和城镇 to address their 新型冠状病毒肺炎 related needs, 和 that at least two dozen counties have indicated, in state reporting, that they will not be sharing federal CARES Act dollars with 市.

也让 他们知道:

城市是 私营企业所依赖的基础设施建设者. 当城市 forced to cut spending, economic recovery of the state will be delayed. 未来 增长将被推迟.

市 are the primary providers of water 和 sewer service to North Carolinians, 和 those utility funds are suffering due to bill non-payments even though they 有必须支付的固定费用吗.

城市和 towns are front-line providers of first responders, who have been crucial in 应对新型冠状病毒肺炎危机. U.S. 财政部指引现在允许 收回这些成本的灵活性.

北卡罗来纳 emerge strong from the economic effects of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, the financial health of 城市和城镇至关重要. 联系 your legislator this 周末 let them know that providing equitable assistance to 市 is a critical part of the state’s economic 复苏!

的 N.C. 部门 Transportation would see improved finances as well as an altered governance 和 oversight structure under twin legislative proposals 本周进展. 这些措施主要是为了应对 越来越多的财政 麻烦 在该部门,造成了严重的预算削减,工作 整个州都在停工和休假.

首先,新 语言 Hb 77点 2020-2021财年预算/治理 迅速,一致收到 本周参议院的审议. 冗长的法案包括修改 budget plans for the state’s transportation operations in the upcoming fiscal 一年. While the bill ensured the gas tax rate would not decrease at its next readjustment point—thereby shoring up the state’s largest transportation revenue source—the bill made cuts to numerous spending categories that affected transportation 城市活动. 公共交通在这方面大幅削减 proposal, including the zeroing-out of a critical public transit assistance fund called the State Maintenance Assistance Program for FY 20-21. 该法案 also balanced Powell Bill distributions for cities in the next fiscal 一年 by 减少夏洛特和罗利的拨款. 然后,从一个治理 perspective, the bill implemented numerous fiscal oversight 和 accountability 流程. 它还 修改 任命 到N.C. 运输委员会.

同样在本周,众议院 advanced a bond proposal sponsored by 房子 Speaker Tim Moore that would include funding for both transportation 和 education needs across the state. 众议院通过 HB 1225教育 & 2020年运输债券法案 昨天以113票赞成,4票反对 the package will likely receive a final 房子 vote next week. 在参议院, however, the measure likely faces a chilly reception amidst the economic downturn, with 参议院 President Pro Tem Phil Berger telling the Insider State 政府ernment News Service yesterday, “If your boss has told you that he’s cutting your pay next week, do you go out 和 borrow money to buy a new car? 我只是 我不知道这就是答案.”

的 point in time at which some water systems would collect system development fees would change under new compromise language introduced this week in HB 873系统 发展费/ADU污水渠许可证. 该改,改到哪去 是国联在N.C. 住宅建造商协会建议 the change, would apply in a tightly-defined set of circumstances. Specifically, the water systems affected by this change would be those that 目前在平台备案时收取费用. 如果法案通过 into law as expected, that timing would be pushed to a point 晚些时候 in the development process: either when an applicant applies for a building permit or when the water service was committed by the water system -- whichever point was 晚些时候. 该法案 also contained language requested by the League to clarify another part of the system development fee law 和 ensure that some water 系统可以利用收费收入来偿还资本债务. 最后,账单 included an unrelated provision crafted with input from city officials which would streamline sewer connections for a form of affordable housing called 附属住宅单位.”


与 nearly 750 municipal officials registered 和 a highlight number of cities 和 towns represented, CityVision 2020, which began on 周二 和 wrapped up 星期四是365足彩下载的一个历史性事件. 这不仅仅是关于 numbers – it was the first time the League held its annual conference in virtual form, online only, in adherence to social distancing 和 mass gathering 2019冠状病毒病的影响仍在继续. 面对面的同志情谊 missed, but the virtual format didn’t hamper engagement over the three-day program (which was “part two” of the conference, following opening activities 和 the swearing-in of new 365足彩下载董事会 members during “part one” 5月). 新型冠状病毒肺炎 became the focus of the conference this 一年, with live 会话s fearing state government officials tackling relevant angles to cities 和城镇. Day one focused on economic development issues, economic forecasts 以及社区可以用来反弹的直接工具. 第二天就这样过去了 the p和emic’s impact on operations 和 ways that 市 could leverage 未来弹性技术. 最后一天集中在力量 leadership during crises 和 skillset-building for future events that could 影响城镇. 365足彩下载一直为你们的订婚而振奋 focus of its membership 和 thanks all who attended 和 made CityVision 2020 如此独特的成功.

沿着 with the quickened end-of-会话 pace of this legislative week, lawmakers took up numerous 新型冠状病毒肺炎 response bills, many of which affected cities.

紧急声明. 当地没有宣布紧急状态 would take effect until it had been published on the local government’s website 并提交给联合国.C. 公共安全部门的WebEOC危急 事故管理系统. 这项新要求将列入一项规定 包含在 HB 374法规 2020年改革法案 (20节). 它是应联合国的要求而来的.C. Retail Merchants Association, which had long pushed for a centralized database 宣布地方进入紧急状态. 虽然众议院提出了这个 bill through several committees this week, it still faces additional 房子 committee 和 full chamber consideration before heading to the 参议院.

预算法案. 参众两院继续 consider bills this week that would spend down the remaining $2 billion in previously unappropriated federal funding from the CARES Act. (城市 requested direct allocation of a separate pot of CARES Act funding, as detailed 在本公报其他地方.值得注意的是,在城市方面,众议院举行了一场投票 讨论——只听 HB 1200 止赎上一页.授予/租赁 & 工具分类 周二. 这 bill, supported by NCLM 和 numerous other stakeholder groups, would appropriate $200 million for assistance to qualifying renters, homeowners, 和 公用事业客户,这样他们就能付账单了. 行动 另一关怀法案 拨款法案 昨天,众议院全体投票通过了 send the bill back to committee, with instructions to consider adding two items that would amount to unfunded m和ates on local government employers: a firefighters special separation allowance 和 automatic worker’s compensation 为感染新型冠状病毒肺炎的员工提供保险. 365足彩下载党非常接近 随着这一发展.

法律豁免权. 所有N.C. 私营企业及 units of government would receive immunity from lawsuits alleging an act or 疏漏导致了2019冠状病毒病的收缩 Hb 118 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Liab. 安全港. 豁免不适用于下列情况 gross negligence, willful or wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing. 的 bill, backed by numerous interest groups, 通过了 the 参议院 this week 和 awaits 房子考虑.

重新订单. 立法会两院 continued their line of bills this week to override state 和 local declarations of emergency related to the terms of how businesses must operate 大流行期间. 根据之前的法案,所有的餐馆, bars, 和 gyms to reopen in accordance with certain operational regulations, legislators this week took up similar bills to allow the reopening of skating 溜冰场及保龄球场(SB 599开放 溜冰场/保龄球馆); amusement parks, water parks, 和 活动中心(SB 258开放 游乐园/拱廊/场所); 和 privately-organized 独立日庆祝活动及烟花汇演(HB 686自由 庆祝七月四日). 政府. 罗伊·库珀示意 intention to veto bills of this type, telling the Raleigh News & 观察者 yesterday, “I have concerns about these legislative m和ates. 这很简单 to vote for a bill that lifts restrictions when you don’t have to deal with the 后果.”

这 week, the 参议院 approved the Viable Utility Reserve -- a new grant program that would support financially distressed public water 和 wastewater systems by facilitating viable operations 和 encouraging regionalization. 参议员 通过了 HB 1087 水/废水公共企业改革 本周提供了9美元 100万的非经常性国家基金.

的 bill language was result of a 一年long legislative study 和 stakeholder process that focused on the more than $17 billion in water 和 sewer infrastructure needs statewide 和 also includes a study of the feasibility of authorizing historical charters for units of local government. 365足彩下载委员会 President Jennifer Robinson had previously sent letters to both 房子参议院 sponsors thanking them for their support of the Viable Utility Reserve.

参议院增加了条款 to the bill, including reallocating some existing funds to specific local water 和 wastewater utility projects, so the bill heads back to the 房子 for their 批准. 365足彩下载谢谢 代表. 查克 麦迪森. 保罗·牛顿 for their leadership during the legislative study committee 和 stakeholder 过程.


In other activity this week, the following bills of interest to cities 和城镇 收到的行动还有:

HB1208资金 劳动力住房贷款计划. 一般 Assembly approved 和 sent to the governor’s desk this bill, from 代表. 唐尼 伦敦朗伯斯区, to fund a workforce housing program that wasn’t previously 计划用于经常性国家投资. 经济适用房是一个焦点 365足彩下载目前的名单 365体育足彩目标, 由成员城市和城镇设置.

HB425实现 康纳定律. 参议院将这项法案提交给 拨出非经常性资金支付下列福利 康纳定律 from 2019, which generally increased penalties for using weapons to assault law 执法人员.

SB 380澄清 重罪拥有抽奖机. 众议院提出了 比尔,根据 一个总结 大会扩大了现有犯罪的范围 amending the definition of “electronic machine or device” to cover machines or devices that are autonomous 和 exp和ing the definition of “entertaining 显示.”

的 following is an excerpt from a release from the office of State Treasurer Dale Folwell: 

州财政部长戴尔·R. 注册会计师福尔韦尔呼吁州长. 罗伊•库珀 和司法部长乔什·斯坦给予豁免 行政命令 142 对于那些运营公共设施的城市来说,比如  of 北卡罗莱纳. Without the waivers some of the citizen-owned utilities could 面临潜在的破产.

5月30日,奥巴马政府宣布. 库珀发布了第142号行政命令,允许 customer to defer payments to utilities, including electric, natural gas, 卫生,供水和下水道四个月. 这个行政命令是 的延伸  行政命令 124 3月发行. 在周期结束时,顺序 further requires that utilities give customers months to pay the incurred costs 从未付款期开始.

While the order is meant to help people during the economic hardship caused by 新型冠状病毒肺炎, citizen-owned utilities across the state have seen precipitous drops in revenue due to lower business usage 和 non-payment of 水电费. 这 results in the cities being unable to pay for the costs of 提供这些服务.
