


发生了什么事?: As the General Assembly continued with bill tweaking and floor votes, the governor vetoed its recently approved budget, putting the entire 267-page plan back in the legislature's court.

这意味着什么?以绝对多数通过, 立法机关可以推翻这一否决, 将预算写入法律, and continue its track toward adjournment. 

在利用: Legislators are clearly in a headlong rush to get out of town as soon as possible. 这可能意味着一个或多个巨大的, 会议结束时的综合法案, 各种倡导团体(可能包括365足彩下载)试图在休会前对法律进行一些最后的修改. ​

: 周四 was the final deadline for bill filing, 因此,从技术上讲,随着时间的流逝,未来的一切都将涉及现有的提案和相关的修正案(尽管立法机关完成其短暂会议的工作并没有真正的最后期限)。.

在政府. 罗伊·库珀本周投了反对票 立法机关的23美元.90亿国家预算, the 森ate began the process of overriding the governor's action and putting the plan into law. 州长库珀 周三,他掏出了否决的印章, 在其他事情中,争论国家应该在教育上投入更多,预算应该接受更公开的审查. 立法 budget writers have ​defended their education spending and procedures. 根据多数党的席位计数, the General Assembly has the ability to override any of the governor's vetoes. It moved in that direction on 周四 with a party line vote in the 森ate. 的 House is expected to vote similarly for an override early next week. 的 legislature's budget is an adjustment to the previous years' biennial spending plan, and much of its contents would be effective July 1, 正如在 美联社报道 在重写过程中. 请阅读上周的简报 for details from the budget as it relates to cities and towns.

地方政府将有另一种工具来解决枯萎和清理空置的房产 一项法案 一致通过 参议院委员会 周四. 一个由365足彩下载成员组成的大型工作组在整个过渡期间与NC房地产经纪人协会合作,提出了共识提案, 各城市感谢主要法案发起人 代表. 约翰Faircloth 来支持这项工作. 如果这项措施成为法律, 各市和县将能够利用新创建的程序,由高级法院法官监督空置商业用地的改善, 工业, 以及住宅物业. Called “vacant building receivership” and modeled after similar programs elsewhere in the country, 这一过程首先要求地方政府根据现行法律采取严格的执法行动. If those enforcement actions are unsuccessful, 然后,当地政府可以请求法院指定一个接管人接管财产的管理并进行改善. 这一过程尊重私有产权,在整个过程中保持原有的财产所有权,并给予业主多次遵守法律和改善其财产的机会. 的 proposal, part of a larger business-oriented regulatory reform bill, now moves to the 参议院规则委员会 for consideration, currently scheduled for Monday. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

通过良好的政策和伙伴关系,北卡罗来纳州可以利用超高速的互联网速度,并在全州范围内普及宽带接入, legislators heard on Wednesday at a Broadband Lunch & 由365足彩下载和N主办的学习.C. 县专员协会. 演讲者包括埃里克·克莱默, president and CEO of RiverStreet Networks, 艾伦·菲茨帕特里克, 开放宽带有限责任公司的首席执行官, 出席会议的立法者对私人供应商提供的技术状况进行了更新,同时强调了该州许多地区宽带接入的不必要缺点. "You may be surprised, but 10 miles outside of Chapel Hill, people are on DSL," Fitzpatrick said. “他们在抱怨。.演讲者们附和道 最近的一份365足彩下载报告 recommending public-private partnerships to bring broadband speeds to communities without. “每个人都, 即使在这些农村市场, 需要这些速度," Fitzpatrick emphasized, speaking of gigabit connections that are increasingly the standard not only for businesses but homes 也​. 克莱默, in talking about his company's work in Stokes County, 他说,如果他们能够利用县里的纤维资源,他们本可以节省三年的工作时间, such as what public-private partnerships would enable. That "is the way to solve this problem," 克莱默 said. 上周简报 报道了州预算中的一项条款,该条款承认北卡罗来纳州需要更好的宽带接入, 尽管365足彩下载将继续推动政府与私营部门合作的明确授权,以消除北卡罗来纳州的数字鸿沟,创造21世纪的繁荣之路.

一笔1.47亿美元的拨款将用于北卡罗来纳州的基础设施项目,为该州东部地区提供300英里长的光纤电缆, making broadband service and better telecommunications overall available to the area . Announced on Tuesday, the funds come through the U.S. 主要用于拓宽I-95沿线25英里的高速公路,并升级美国其余的高速公路.S. 70号州际公路改为I-42号. 森. 理查德·伯尔 新闻稿 highlighted the project's importance to traffic flow, emergency readiness and access to military bases. 在这个过程中,他说, "this work and develop​ment will help boost economic growth in local communities.“森. 汤姆·蒂利斯称这是“将给北卡罗来纳州东部带来长期利益的好消息”.“政府. 罗伊•库珀 赞扬了这一声明 也. "Better transportation and communications networks will improve North Carolinians' access to jobs, educational opportunities and health care, and give our military and businesses greater access to our bases and port,他说. 

在其他交通新闻中, HB 1010 Build NC Bond Act is advancing through the state legislature. 的 bill would authorize the issuance of state "Build NC" transportation bonds. 的 proposal is modeled after the federal GARVEE债券计划 并将允许该州为当地交通优先事项借钱,并用未来分配给公路信托基金的州交通资金偿还债券. Build NC债券收益将用于资助在州的区域和部门层面优先考虑的交通项目 交通资助制度​. 的se projects are suggested by local officials, who also have the most input in deciding which of these projects to prioritize. Includes borrowing limitations, including an overall program cap of $300 million.​
还有其他的网络新闻, 立法机关正在推进一项法案,该法案将建立全州范围内的远程医疗政策,因为它对那些无法轻易进入医院的人越来越重要. HB 967远程医疗政策 该服务允许医疗保健专业人员通过远程连接为远距离患者提供服务.C. 卫生与公众服务部. 的 bill instructs the department to study the issue and report findings to the legislature, 考虑因素包括“激励下一代投资的最佳方式”, 面向未来的宽带基础设施,减少部署这些基础设施的障碍”,以及如何创造“基于社区的宽带采用”, 利用, 和计划." 的 Winston-Salem Journal has additional coverage 账单的一部分. 

本周,大会批准了一项地方法案,该法案将赋予梅克伦堡县四个自治市运营特许学校的权力. HB 514 was approved in a 64-53 House vote on Wednesday after earlier clearing the 森ate. 在此之前,州预算中包含了一项条款,允许全州的市政当局为公共教育提供资金,此前有人提出了宪法上的担忧,即市政当局是否有能力向任何没有税收的特许学校提供资金. 365足彩下载和其他几个组织对缺乏对全州规定的审查表示担忧. See more coverage of the local bill’s passage 在这里.

10个地方政府获得了7美元的奖励.5 million in grants for economic and and community development this week. N.C. Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NC Neighborhoods) distributed the funds, which came from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. "NC Neighborhood grants help communities overcome challenges that keep them from moving forward, whether that’s rehabilitation of long-vacant homes or infrastructure and road improvements,” N.C. Department of Commerce Secretary Anthony M. 科普兰在新闻发布会上说. “这些项目将为我们州最需要的社区带来新的能源和资源." 的 state received roughly $43 million in CDBG funds for 2017, of which $10 million was made available to local governments through the NC Neighborhoods program. 的 新闻发布会上 lists the latest recipients and offers more details about NC Neighborhoods.

North Carolinians can submit comment to the N.C. 交通运输部(NCDOT),区域和地方交通项目应该是国家的优先事项. It's for the State Transportation Improvement Program, 或站下车, a 10-year plan for the funding and scheduling of specific projects. 根据… 新闻发布会上​, NCDOT的地方部门正在主持非正式会议,讨论拟议的项目并记录居民的反馈. 在每次会议上, 市民们被邀请进来,并就该部门计划如何对其项目优先级进行排序提供意见,该机构表示. "Please note that these meetings are not for maintenance projects, 比如修补坑洼, 重铺路面或改善沟渠.“NCDOT的网站上有一个 完整的计划 公开会议. 对于无法亲自出席的人, the state will accept comment and survey input online. NCDOT提供 video 地方政府可以将其嵌入网站或在社交媒体上分享,以激发公众的兴趣.