


事情发生的经过: Work continued to address revenue shortfalls local governments are experiencing under the COVID-19 crisis and drops in economic activity. 国会开始考虑新一轮的救助 目前的立法包括为地方政府提供3750亿美元. Phase 1 of restrictions-easing on the public and business began across North Carolina as public health officials monitor the data and trends. 

单词释义: 在收入方面,365足彩下载,N.C. Association of County Commissioners and the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition issued a 联合声明 urging Congress to address the shortfalls with both new direct and flexible funding and by making earlier CARES 法案拨款更加灵活. 你的帮助 与州政府接触 legislators and your congressional representatives remains a crucial part of 确保满足当地需求. 请参阅下面的文章,了解您应该分享的信息.  

ON TAP: The N.C. 联合国大会将于周一开始例行公事, 但是regular是一个相对词. 新冠安全措施将影响立法机构的互动, 众议院议员继续进行远程会议. An article in this bulletin will prep you for what else is different this time around. 

瘦子: Even though we're caught in a sort of limbo against our usual way of interacting, 你可以也应该为重要的问题辩护, 主要是地方政府预算收入不足, 如果没有解决, 会使北卡罗来纳州恢复健康经济的努力复杂化吗. 继续往下读,了解更多. 

本周国会开始考虑新一轮的 COVID救济立法目前包括3750亿美元的地方 governments, NCLM staff and members ratcheted up efforts to see state and federal 官员们解决了市政收入不足的问题. A 联合新闻稿 from NCLM, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and Metropolitan Mayors Coalition urged Congress to address revenue shortfalls caused by the drop in economic activity associated with COVID-19 with both new direct and flexible funding and by making earlier CARES 法案拨款更加灵活. In Brunswick County, Shallotte Mayor and NCLM Board of Directors Member Walt Eccard在365足彩下载的帮助下, organized 这是不伦瑞克县市长写信的活动 to U.S. Rep. David Rouzer和U.S. Sens. 汤姆·提利斯和理查德·伯尔为 面临COVID-19危机影响的城镇.

NCLM正在全国各地开展类似的工作 包括在不伦瑞克看到的与当地媒体的接触 County/Wilmington area, so expect to see the results of those efforts in coming 日子和星期. 365足彩下载继续与全国城市365足彩下载合作 在一场面向公众的活动中,城市是必不可少的 social 媒体和媒体外展是主要组成部分. With state legislators set to return to Raleigh next week, we continue to work on 联邦关怀法案的额外拨款 立法 leaders have indicated that those decisions may not come for a 同时,他们也在关注华盛顿的事态发展.

与此同时, 你的帮助 与州政府接触 legislators and your congressional representatives remains a crucial part of 确保满足当地需求. 你可以参考一下这个 一页总结 解释为什么城市和城镇的需求今天得到满足 对未来的经济复苏至关重要. 你也可以看到什么是利害攸关的 在这个电子表格中 联邦政府的援助是如何.S. 众议院法案将被分发,尽管这很重要 keep in mind that the numbers represent a starting point with negotiations with the U.S. Senate.

As the N.C. 大会希望恢复工作 as usual next week, advocates face numerous complications with respect to their 典型的面对面互动,所有这些都与COVID-19安全措施有关. While the 立法 complex will be open to the public, members of the public will 在进入前给他们测体温, 立法 领导人宣布. 领导人还概述了典型的其他限制 倡导开展业务的方式,包括鼓励社交 distancing practicing, discouraging lingering inside the buildings and meeting rooms, limiting attendance in committee rooms to 50 percent, and utilizing the 只有综合楼最大的会议室.

因此,在会议期间,倡导者和其他成员 of the public will likely follow most 立法 business via online audio and 视频. 例如,众议院将继续其最近的做法 conducting its committee meetings remotely, with legislators participating via 在线会议软件. 然而,相比之下,参议院安排了它的 委员会会议将于下周举行.

进一步表明立法机关打算 resume to its non-COVID business, this week marked deadlines to file all bills 除了当地的账单,必须在周二之前提交. 在163个法案中 本周,一种不寻常的模式出现了. 共和党在这两个州都占多数 chambers only filed a combined 24 percent of the bills, excluding bills filed 由于法案发起人的职位是临时委员会主席或 拨款委员会. 进一步表明立法者可能会进行 business differently this session than in the past, only the House’s chief budget writers filed bills this week that could be used later as the large 国家预算法案. 这一事态发展可能表明,参议院可能不会这么做 在这个会议上进行全面的预算谈判.

请参考 365足彩下载的法案 跟踪列表 作为本届会议提交的法案的补充 城市和乡镇最感兴趣的. 本周,账单又增加了 addressed priority topics for cities such as broadband authority for local 政府,住房和公用事业援助,以及 合并 最近的 土地使用及规划法例与新的第160D章法规. Another 票据是 SB 739个人递送 设备/ PDD /交付机器人,授权使用 快递机器人. 更具体地说,这项提议将防止 local governments from regulating these motorized devices, while at the same time, it would impose state-level regulation on operating delivery robots on 街道和人行道.

联合国的主要资金短缺.C. 部门 of Transportation (NCDOT) will lead to cuts that will impact city and town budgets in the next fiscal year, according to information shared this week with the League by agency leaders. 在周四与NCDOT首席运营官Bobby Lewis的会议上, League staff received updates on the extent of the agency's fiscal constraints. 刘易斯说, a preliminary estimate was that the agency would lose $670 million due to the COVID-19 crisis, 这一数字加剧了该机构此前的财务困境.

结果是, 刘易斯说,, the agency would likely propose across-the-board cuts to its budget ranging from 15 to 25 percent cuts to all areas of its operations, 包括鲍威尔法案基金. Further, the agency already stopped most road projects and all routine maintenance activities. City officials may want to consider the extent to which they would pick up the state's maintenance responsibilities in the coming fiscal year, including the following activities on NCDOT right-of-way in town limits:

  • 路面修补
  • 交通灯维修
  • 割草和美化
  • 签署维修
  • 风暴的维修

缓解COVID-19的第一阶段已经进入近一周 州长团队表示,这是对公众和企业的限制 卡罗莱纳“保持稳定”.这是根据数据和趋势得出的结论 他们在监视,但他们说需要更多时间观察钥匙 第二阶段之前的指标是安全的. “我们的COVID-19决策 以数据和科学为指导。. 罗伊•库珀. He added: “如果可以的话,北卡罗来纳人应该继续呆在家里 注意自己的安全.”

Dr. 曼迪·科恩(Mandy Cohen)是联合国秘书长.C. 部门 of Health and Human Services, called the stability being observed in the “趋势线”对我们州来说是一个真正的积极因素. 只要我们还在正确的道路上 for the 14-day trends we need to see to move to Phase 2, our progress as a 国家仍然取决于我们的个人行为. 我们需要继续 保护我们所爱的人和我们的邻居. 如果你离开家,练习三个w ——穿、等、洗.”

A press release 列出他们所关注的关键指标. 例如,北卡罗来纳州的轨道 实验室确诊病例略有增加. 国家也加倍了 每日测试率从大约2500 - 3000个增加到6000多个. 官员 also say that supply chains have continued to improve with the exception of gowns. 新闻稿还指出,国家现在有一个 在线测试列表 位置

CityVision 2020 has been revamped into a virtual conference, complete with both live and on-demand 教育会议,以及365足彩下载的年度商务会议. CityVision虚拟峰会的第一部分将于5月举行 28, where NCLM will host the business meeting, announce election results, and 提供我们的年度组织更新和立法更新. Governor 库珀已被邀请,并暂时接受了邀请. 登记细节, 包括完整的议程和会议细节即将发布. 但现在,存钱吧 日期是5月28日,从上午10点开始.m. to noon. 虚拟峰会的第二部分将于6月16日至18日举行 功能多天的现场和点播会议. 最后的细节将在 尽快寄出. 报名资料即将上载!

本周早些时候, North Carolina’s response rate to the 2020 Census was just shy of 55 percent. But that’s still behind the national average of nearly 59 percent, and local officials are encouraged to keep the discussion going with their communities about the importance of the census – for one, how it affects eligibility for federal funding. 不同于以往的人口普查,参与2020年人口普查 在网上变得很容易. 看看 the 人口普查局的简单指南 如何在网上回应. “你才一岁 点击吧,”该局说. 请继续关注北方的最新消息 卡罗莱纳的进步 here, 遵循排名 here, 继续在当地努力增加计数. 

该州本周宣布了一场联邦灾难 declaration is in hand for 18 counties hurt by severe weather and flooding in February. “这些强风暴给北卡罗来纳州和这里造成了破坏 disaster declaration will help local communities that are recovering and make 修复,”州长说. 罗伊•库珀. 损失总额接近1600万美元. A 新闻稿 他说:“州、地方和 tribal governments in Alexander, Ashe, Cherokee, Cleveland, Graham, Madison, Mitchell, Pender, Perquimans, Polk, Randolph, Rutherford, Stanly, Stokes, Swain, Wayne, Yadkin, and Yancey counties along with certain non-profits are 有资格通过联邦应急管理局的公共援助计划报销 紧急工作和灾损品的修理或更换 设施. 该宣言还在以下方面提供了减灾援助 受影响地区.”
