


House transportation leaders presented their most comprehensive proposal to stabilize transportation funding for the long-term to the 众议院运输委员会 周二. 由代表赞助. 约翰Torbett, 弗兰克·伊尔, 菲尔·谢泼德, 保罗蒂娜他们都是众议院交通拨款委员会的主席HB 927重建北卡罗来纳州为“良好道路州” 委员会成员的反馈大多是积极的. 重要的是,两位主要的众议院预算撰写人,众议员. 纳尔逊美元查克•麦迪他发言赞成这项建议. 随着 企业和政府合作伙伴的广泛365足彩下载365足彩下载支持提高交通费用的努力. The League does have concerns about HB 927 because it fails to tie Powell Bill dollars to proposed increases on vehicle 和 other related fees while reducing gas taxes that are tied to local transportation dollars. 

This funding proposal would reduce the gas tax but raise fees such as one paid when vehicles are purchased. 对城市有重要意义, who count on Powell Bill disbursements to pay for maintenance 和 other road construction projects on municipal street networks, the bill would hobble future growth of this revenue stream by leaving it tied solely to the gas tax. 国家, 另一方面, would see larger increased revenues over time due to the combination of gas tax growth plus growth attributable to the proposed fee increases. 365足彩下载赞赏 代表. 贝基卡尼 在周二的委员会讨论中提出了这一担忧,并赞赏众议员的评论. 托贝特说,这是为了解决人们对鲍威尔法案资金的担忧. The League also supports the short-term infusion of funding the proposal directs to cities for three fiscal years, 用于道路重铺路面. 因为委员会这周才讨论过这个法案, 它将需要另一场听证会和有利的投票来推进. 联系人: 罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯

众议院的综合监管改革法案, HB 760 2015年监管改革法案周三,该法案在众议院获得通过,现在将提交参议院. 虽然大部分讨论和修正案都与该州的可再生能源计划有关, 改变河岸缓冲规则也成为争论的焦点. 法案的发起人, 代表. 克里斯·米尔斯, offered an amendment to clarify that the riparian buffer provision did not affect a local governments' ability to use buffers to comply with 总最大日负荷 (TMDL)或国家颁发的许可证,包括 国家污染物排放消除制度 (npd)许可证.

虽然这种语言是一种进步, 代表. 昂贵的哈里森 引用了365足彩下载在委员会上的评论,指出它可能无法解决所有市政方面的担忧. 修订的, this bill would still eliminate local governments' ability to implement stormwater programs that exceed the state's model stormwater ordinance 和 limit local governments' use of buffers for compliance with 供水分水岭 要求还是要实现的 可以计划 包括后期施工要求.


  • 地方政府对密度信贷的监管: Requires that a city's zoning ordinance must provide density credits or severable development rights for dedicated rights-of-way.
  • 不那么严格的规则不需要财政票据: Clarifies that rules adopted pursuant to the Periodic Review of Rules Process do not require a fiscal note if less stringent than the original rule.
  • 通讯塔租赁:允许地方政府租用通讯塔, 设施, 设备寿命长达25年.
  • 由持牌专业人士认证的楼宇构件检验: Requires local governments' building inspection departments to accept 和 approve a design certified by a licensed architect or engineer 和 exempts inspectors from liability.
  • 地方政府授权扩大卧室定义: Limits local governments in the adoption of l和 use planning ordinances from using a definition of bedroom that exceeds any definition of the same in another statute or rule.

在参议院审议该法案期间,国联将继续与立法者合作. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

全州各城市正处于准备2015-16财年预算的最后阶段, the pending loss of privilege license revenue is leading to a number of proposals for property tax increases 和 service cuts. 以下是一些例子:

  • In 卡里, 该镇正在考虑将财产税提高3美分, 这将是25年来的首次增长. 其中1美分专门用于弥补失去的1美元特权许可收入.500万年. “我们有服务水平, 服务的混合, that this community dem和s 和 that the council wants to deliver to its citizens 和 that is a substantial hit,小镇经理本·希瓦尔说, 据新闻报道 & 观察者.
  • 工作人员在 夏洛特 我们提出1.财产税税率增加35美分, 与此同时,还将取消单户房主支付的垃圾收集费. 夏洛特观察家报报道 that "the city is struggling to balance its budget in part because the General Assembly repealed the business privilege license tax."
  • 立法会成员 杰克逊维尔,其中失去特权许可证的税收相当于2.1美分的房产税税率, 周二通过了该市的预算. 该市设法避免了房产税的增加,但是 杰克逊维尔每日新闻报道 “18个职能面临开支削减,以弥补750美元的损失,从收取特权许可证的费用中获得的收入为1万英镑."
  • 年的预算提案 斯泰茨维尔 包括增加5%的财产税. 城市经理拉里·普雷斯利说 夏洛特观察家报 “需要加税来弥补493,000美元的收入损失. 其中包括由于该州废除特权许可证税而造成的资金损失,总共375美元,在斯泰茨维尔市有000人.
  • 而在 华盛顿在纽约,拟议的市镇预算中包括一项财产税的增加.5美分. 在他给市议会的预算报告中, 城市经理布莱恩·利古尔德说, "This recommended tax increase is based solely on the loss of revenue from business privilege licenses that were repealed by the NC General Assembly during its last session," 据《365体育足彩》报道.

去年市政特权许可证被废除, legislators 和 Governor Pat McCrory committed to the League that they would work on a source of replacement revenue before the beginning of the next fiscal year. 迄今为止,尚未查明这种替代收入来源. The League -- on behalf of its 540-plus member cities -- continues to push for more municipal revenue flexibility, 包括1/4美分的市政销售税 HB 903县税收灵活性/市政税收选择. Please continue to talk with your legislators about the importance of this municipal-only sales tax option as a needed way to stabilize municipal revenue sources. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

State government is expected to see a $400 million budget surplus this fiscal year after April tax returns reversed an earlier trend of tax collections lagging behind projections. State budget officials attributed the surge in tax receipts to strong growth in business income 和 a sharper-than-expected decline in tax refunds. 代表ublicans touted the news as evidence of success of the 2013 state tax reforms; Democrats said it showed more of the tax burden was shifted onto the middle class. 

预计这4亿美元中的大部分将用于支撑州政府的储备. 收入增长, 虽然, 这也转化为对下一财政年度的新预测,现在立法者只有1美元.10亿美元的额外收入. The news comes as House budget writers met behind closed doors this week ahead of plans to release that chamber's proposed state budget in two weeks. 国家支出计划预计总计约220亿美元. 阅读有关预算新闻的媒体报道 在这里, 在这里在这里.

The City of Hickory's plans to spend $40 million on a range of investments in 和 around its waterfront have gained some national attention. 全国数字媒体新闻网站 路线五十 发表 本专题报道 关于计划, 这是为了让这座城市对新企业和年轻专业人士更具吸引力. 去年秋天,该市选民批准了这笔4000万美元的债券. 该计划包括一条沿着海滨的新人行道走廊, 道路升级和商业园区投资.
国务委员会, 它由北卡罗来纳州的全州民选官员组成, this week signed off on a deal that will allow the City of Raleigh to purchase the 300-plus acres that had been home to the Dorthea Dix state psychiatric hospital. 市政府将为这处房产支付5200万美元, with one-third to be leased back to the state for the state office space already t在这里 和 the remainder to be turned into a city park. 这些计划已经酝酿了好几年了, 但立法机构的反对使他们一直拖延到现在. 阅读媒体对这笔交易的报道 在这里.
A nonprofit environmental group is legally challenging a provision of the state's hydraulic fracturing laws that gives the state Mining 和 Energy Commission the power to determine whether local ordinances illegally restrict the drilling 和 other activities. The law allows local governments to use zoning authority to limit drilling activity to appropriate areas, 但不允许他们禁止水力压裂. 北卡罗来纳州清洁水公司的诉讼称,立法机构, by giving authority to the Mining 和 Energy Commission to determine whether a local ordinance has the effect of banning hydraulic fracturing, 违反了三权分立原则. 阅读媒体报道 在这里.