


Registration is now open for the League’s first-ever 小镇 & State Dinner, scheduled for May 29 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Raleigh Convention Center. Don’t wait to register, as space is limited for this exclusive advocacy event. 这个小镇 & 国宴提供了一个与你的立法者在一个更亲密的环境中交流和加强关系的机会. 和我们一起庆祝州和地方领导人,他们努力为市政当局及其居民争取权益. 在你注册之后,一定要邀请你的立法者作为你的特别嘉宾加入你.  365足彩下载还将直接向立法委员发出电子和印刷的邀请. Legislators do not need to register; instead they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@mediagate-egy.net.​ For this year’s legislative short session, the 小镇 & State Dinner is being held in lieu of 小镇 Hall Day. 现在注册.

下周,一个事关商业公平和地方政府的重大案件将在法庭上开庭审理. Oral arguments before the U.S. 最高法院 南达科他州诉. Wayfair 定于周二举行, 南达科他州要求法官裁定,各州和地方政府可以要求没有在州内实体存在的零售商——电子商务网站, for instance -- to collect sales tax. The case reassesses a Supreme Court decision from 1992 (in the early, 在电子商务不发达的时代,零售商不需要收取和缴纳销售税,除非他们在州内有实体店. 今天, online retailers are numerous and of massive proportions, giving this sales-tax loophole a much different dynamic and urgency. 2017年11月, 美国政府问责局(政府ernment Accountability Office)的一份报告估计,如果各州有权要求所有偏远卖家征收销售税,那么各州和地方政府“在2017年可以获得约80亿至130亿美元的收益”."​

"While it's impossible to determine the outcome of the case, 有理由相信,法院可能会以更及时的选择取代"实际存在"检验, such as an economic presence test," the National League of Cities (NLC) 说 in an update about the case this week. “这样的裁决将是在争取实体店和在线零售商之间平等的斗争中迈出的一大步." Meanwhile, federal legislation for parity is pending. N.C. 市政365足彩下载的成员支持联邦电子公平行动,该行动将填补在线销售税漏洞, 为竞争的实体企业恢复市场公平,为州和地方政府创造新的收入. A nationwide webinar is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday on the case's history and ramifications. 现在注册.

希望增加社区宽带可用性的地方官员应该制定计划参加365足彩下载主办的会议 NC Hearts Gigabit Interactive. 4月20日在罗利举行的论坛将聚集来自全州各地的人们,讨论如何将宽带网络带到当地社区,并使其更具经济弹性. 参加由州和国家专家组成的精英小组,学习社区主导的宽带工作, 包括 NCLM宽带报告 合著者 乔安妮·霍维斯小麦面粉, 他是CTC技术和能源公司的总裁,也是联邦政府公认的通讯政策专家, 状态, 以及地方层面. 政府. Roy Cooper will open the daylong conference, former 政府. 詹姆斯B. Hunt will serve as the keynote speaker, and 代表. 克雷格角 will discuss the importance of internet access in our schools. 与会者将听到一份可操作步骤的剧本,这些步骤是他们可以带回家推进当地宽带项目的. 现在注册.

该州正在寻求社区项目的申请,以应对阿片类药物危机 NC阿片类药物行动计划. One-time grants of $150,000 are available to that end. The deadline to apply is May 4​. “这些赠款将帮助当地社区共同努力,通过治疗和康复援助扭转阿片类药物危机的趋势,” N.C. Department of 健康 and Human Services (DHHS) Secretary Mandy Cohen 说 in a news release with full details. “我们期待着与该州各地的社区合作,实现北卡罗来纳州阿片类药物行动计划中提出的愿景.” DHHS says awards are available to local governments, 社区组织, hospitals and other partners in the fight. 2017年6月,该州启动了阿片类药物行动计划,制定了扭转局面的战略, like expanding treatment and recovery systems, increasing naloxone availability and connecting overdose survivors with care. 
The 状态 is funding these grants, according to DHHS. 虽然国会已经单独批准了近60亿美元用于毒品泛滥的资源, 全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)表示,目前尚不清楚这些资金是否或如何到达地方一级. 美国.S. 卫生和公众服务部以及药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局是这笔钱的主要接受者. NLC一直在敦促建立一个系统,将联邦资金直接与打击阿片类药物滥用的地方项目联系起来.

北卡罗来纳州当选的联邦官员表示,他们已经获得更多资金,帮助北卡罗来纳州从2016年的飓风马修中恢复过来. Sens. Thom Tillis and Richard Burr this week jointly announced an additional $189 million, 由北卡罗莱纳州代表团在2月份通过的参议院预算协议中保证.参议员们 在新闻发布会上 注意到美国.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 刚刚宣布 北卡罗来纳州将获得1.68亿美元的减灾拨款.S. Department of Transportation 宣布 $21 million for the 状态. “我要感谢住房和城市发展部和交通部拨款近1.9亿美元的额外资金, 这将有助于我们当地社区的恢复,并确保北卡罗来纳州的家庭不会被遗忘,蒂利斯参议员说. 在美国.S. 房子,代表. 大卫的价格, a ranking member on the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee, 说 在新闻发布会上: "This latest tranche of assistance means North Carolina has now secured more than $1.4 billion from HUD and other federal agencies. 这些资源将在我们继续从飓风马修中重建和恢复的过程中,帮助解决我们州关键的未满足需求.”

在当地和州政府的合作下,北卡罗莱纳州宣布了新的扩张和招聘计划,数百个新的工作岗位即将出现. 周二, 州和地方官员宣布,跨国卫生用品制造商阿尔巴德美国有限公司. U会膨胀.S. operations with a $45 million investmen在Reidsville. It will bring more than 300 new jobs to the area, with salaries averaging higher than the countywide average. “We are very pleased to continue expanding our Albaad USA business in Reidsville,” 说 Albaad Plant Manager Gidi Tenne. “We continue to build on a great workforce, culture and community that supports advanced manufacturing jobs in Rockingham County. This merging of technology and a strong, 富有创造力的员工队伍是我们成功的基础,我们期待着未来的持续增长.雷兹维尔市及其经济发展团队是此次扩建的众多合作伙伴之一, 包括 also the General Assembly and Rockingham County.

前一天,N.C. 商务部 announced 44 jobs in Wilson with a $31 million 新太平洋美国公司的投资. 跨国公司, which makes primary packaging for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, is planning a high-tech facility at Wilson Corporate Park, a designated "Smart Site"​ that has met rigorous standards that match up with what site selectors want. “过去两年, 我们已经对美国合适的地点进行了详细的评估,我们很高兴将我们新的美国总部设在威尔逊, a community that matches perfectly with our requirements for qualified people, 支持政府, a high quality of life and proximity to our customers,——马克·艾格勒, CEO of Neopac owner Hoffmann Neopac AG, 在新闻发布会上说. The governor's office on Tuesday also announced 422 jobs​ created in Durham County with an expansion of LabCorp, which is headquartered in Burlington and employs more than 60,000 people around the globe. And on Thursday, the 状态 ​announced 另外50个工作岗位 per an expansion in Winston-Salem, again with local-状态-private teamwork. ​​