


A legislative committee examining municipal service district (MSD) authority has finalized a proposed bill for the upcoming short session, scheduled to begin April 25. 提案,其中 Committee on Municipal Service Districts (LRC) produced on Wednesday, l和s less than a week after the committee's 第一次会议. 尚未发表, the proposed bill would update existing processes for establishing, enlarging 和 abolishing districts. MSD是一个专门的征税区,为该区的财产提供额外的服务. Most often in North Carolina, 市政委员会成立它们,为企业主提供增强的市中心发展服务. Many coastal communities use them to finance beach renourishment projects.

Unlike last week, when the co-chairs afforded local governments opportunity to present 向委员会提供的资料显示,第二次会议没有任何发言. 而不是, 委员会成员询问了许多关于msd的问题,以便更好地熟悉该工具. 他们的问题涉及默沙东收入与偿还债务之间的关系, 城市如何扩大现有的MSD边界,城市如何解释MSD收入的支出.

的 League appreciates the openness of committee co-chairs 森. 特鲁迪韦德代表. 泰德•戴维斯 到从城镇接收MSDs在其管辖范围内如何运作的信息. 进一步, the League thanks both co-chairs for pledging to work with the League on clarifications of the existing MSD law when this topic comes up in the short session. 现在, the proposed bill must receive one more vote by the 立法 Research Commission before becoming eligible for introduction in the short session. That committee typically meets just as the session begins. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A proposal to remove a statewide funding cap on light rail projects highlighted legislative transportation proposals submitted this week. 众议院临时委员会 studying transportation issues took final votes Monday on recommended legislation to be introduced in the short session, 将于4月25日开始. Of importance to cities, the committee advanced 轻轨上限提案该法案将取消目前此类项目的州政府拨款上限50万美元. 帽, inserted into the 2015 budget 在最后一刻,如果达勒姆-教堂山轻轨项目仍然合法,他将取消该项目. 该项目计划由地方、州和联邦共同出资, received a large environmental approval earlier this year 和 is currently in a design phase. 的 cap represented the first time the legislature altered the data-driven state transportation process 2013年实施. 365足彩下载支持以数据为导向的过程来决定资助哪些交通项目. 其它建议 recommended by the House committee include one to allocate funds to pave gravel roads equally among all state highway divisions. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

随着2016年大会短暂会议的开始越来越近, 在此期间进行的几项研究的结果正在向立法机关报告. 的 topics of these interim studies were directed by legislation in 2015, 和 the following issued reports may be of interest to municipalities:
  • 电子垃圾回收 一项关于该州废弃电脑设备和电视回收要求的研究.
  • 海岸侵蚀: A study 和 proposed strategy for preventing, mitigating 和 remediating the effects of beach erosion.
  • Stormwater/Coastal Stormwater: A study to evaluate impact of stormwater on water quality in coastal counties 和 a summary of statewide stormwater statutes, 规则和指导.
  • 地下水标准:六价铬和钒的水标准和健康检查水平的研究.
  • 洪水海拔: A study of how flood elevations 和 building heights for structures are established 和 measured in the coastal region.

另外, reports will likely soon be released regarding local government authority over solid 废物管理; alternatives for uniform procurement 和 pricing of 911 eligible expenses; the exemption of linear utility projects from certain environmental regulations; the effectiveness of in-water devices for mitigating water quality impairments; 和 ways to provide regulatory relief from the impacts of state's Riparian Buffer Protection Program.

PayPal said this week it was canceling plans for a 400-employee operations center in Charlotte in light of House Bill 2. 上个月签署成为法律, HB2 among other things pre-empts all local ordinances addressing discrimination at places of public accommodation 和 establishes a statewide anti-discrimination policy that critics say does not extend to the LGBT community. PayPal CEO Dan Schulman explained his position in a statement posted to the company’s website on Tuesday 和 later told the 纽约时报 他可能会重新考虑3美元.6 million plan for Charlotte if the law is repealed. 立法者通过HB2 在特别会议期间 3月23日,针对夏洛特市最近通过的反歧视条例, 在某种程度上, 会允许跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的公共厕所吗. HB2阻止了该法令, 立法支持者称这是一种隐私和公共安全措施. 森ate President Pro Tem Phil Berger 和 House Speaker Tim Moore held that ground in a joint response to PayPal’s decision. 点击这里 获取更多媒体报道.

我们在“野外”, 绿色债券的狂野西部,一群当地政府官员周四在罗利举行的一次关于可持续发展倡议的谈话中听到了这句话. Speakers from the financial sector, 在联合国组织的名为“激发可持续发展与创新”的会议上.C. Department of State Treasurer, explained that green bonds generally are meant to finance or refinance projects or activities expected to bear positive, measurable outcomes for the environment. 穆迪投资者服务公司表示,由于绿色债券如雨后春笋般涌现,它已加强了对绿色债券的研究和分析, global interest in eco-friendly efforts in energy, 废物管理, water conservation 和 similar areas. 该机构 expects more than $50 billion in issuance this year, as compared to a record $42.2015年50亿美元. “这是一种坚强, growing opportunity for folks,TIAA的Joel Levy说, 周四的演讲者之一. 2015年,阿什维尔市成为该州第一个发行绿色债券的市政当局, financing water-resources enhancements, 根据城市.

After spending months discussing numerous ideas for a replacement system to the state's current tier-based method of evaluating economic distress, a legislative committee instead advanced 一个提议 on Thursday that would move the discussion to the fall. Acknowledging the task's complexity, members of the 立法、经济发展和全球参与联合监督委员会 recommended legislation to create a workgroup of 11 individuals to review economic research 和 best practices in other states. 的 workgroup would recommend revisions to the state's current process for evaluating a community's level of economic distress. 的 EDGE proposal would also task the workgroup with identifying new economic development programs to further job-creation as well as a plan for measuring the success of all economic development programs. 的 draft legislation would direct that at least two of the appointments be held by persons with expertise in local government. 北卡罗来纳大学凯南-弗拉格勒商学院(Kenan-Flagler School of Business)的一位教授将为工作组提供便利.

That concept represents a departure from a previous proposal that EDGE 和 another interim legislative committee considered over the past few months. It focused on directing the N.C. Department of Commerce (Commerce) 牵头拟订新的国家经济发展计划和经济困难程度衡量体系. 作为365足彩下载 几周前报道的, EDGE members did not feel comfortable with that direction. 一个独立的委员会 该委员会也审查了这一问题,可能会在周一的会议上投票表决 Commerce-focused提议. Any recommended legislation from that committee 和 the EDGE proposal would be eligible for introduction in the upcoming legislative short-session scheduled to begin April 25. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

罗利是世界十大“面向未来的经济”发达城市之一,” according new ranking from computer company 戴尔. 本周,它发布了全球50个最重要的城市名单, according to a news release, “拥抱技术是为了在不断变化和全球化的未来中适应和发展吗?.” Raleigh was ranked eighth, just ahead of Stockholm, Sweden. Charlotte also made the list, coming in 21st, one better than Chicago. 圣何塞,加州.,排名第一。. 其他进入前50名的城市包括伦敦(第4名)、休斯顿(第19名)、东京(第32名)、洛杉矶(第35名)和米兰(第39名)。. 戴尔, 总部设在德克萨斯州, 他说,这些城市“让人们和组织能够接触到新工具和新想法,从而实现更好的连通性, better economic performance – 和 a greater ability to attract talent.” 点击这里 to view the full list with background info. 本周公布的另一组排名显示,达勒姆大学是美国为数不多的大学之一.S. cities where women out-earn men. 在医学之城, women’s median earnings are nearly 102 percent of men’s, far more than the national rate of less than 80 percent, according to a new analysis by research website NerdWallet. 该机构对529个城市进行了分析,发现达勒姆是仅有的17个城市之一. 点击这里 for the complete study with methodology.

以创新和创业而闻名的城镇有五个共同的关键特征, a gathering of local government officials heard in Raleigh on Thursday. Christopher Gergen,首席执行官 正向的影响,一个专注于下一代企业家的项目,将其归结为以下方面的卓越:

  • Talent: Home-growing 和 retaining innovative brains in any city or town requires business-minded education at the K-12 level. 格根说:“一旦你上了大学或上了大学,这种情况就不应该发生. But college is a great place to flex that knowledge, he said.
  • Recruitment: "What's the story, 你是如何在你的社区中招募人才的?"
  • 支持:想要吸引企业家的社区必须与工作空间有联系, 资本与指导. "Who in your community is providing that kind of enabling support?"
  • 数据:关于新企业和资金流动的良好数据和跟踪至关重要. It "affords the ability to then think politically 和 think from a policy perspective" when setting local business goals 和 underst和ing progress.
  • 讲故事:最好的创业社区正在通过新闻媒体和社交媒体突出他们的成就. "Because so often, these stories are missed."

格根的评论是在联合国组织的“激发可持续发展和创新”会议上发表的.C. Department of State Treasurer 和 attended by several League members.  

的 北卡罗来纳商会 首次亮相 the results of an economic development study on Thursday that featured ideas for incentivizing the private sector to complete a build-out of high-speed Internet service across the state. Broadb和 received more attention than any other subject in the report, 在包括城市和镇领导在内的全州利益相关者会议之后, 立法者, local economic developers 和 representatives of the business community. 美国商会顾问、经济分析师泰德·阿伯内西(Ted Abernathy)告诉美国商会的成员 立法、经济发展和全球参与联合监督委员会 on Thursday that the study represented business leaders' top priorities for government-led economic development strategies. 的 report identified a suite of broadb和 incentives as an area in which the Chamber would recommend legislation in the 2017 legislative long-session. 该报告还介绍了对市政领导人很重要的创造就业战略, including transportation investments; water 和 sewer investments; incentives for industrial spec sites 和 building renovations or demolitions; tourism development in rural areas; 和 development of local leaders. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

的 League convened members this week for the first of many workgroup meetings to discuss municipal issues related to public safety. In addition to brainstorming solutions, this group will provide feedback to ensure the League has a united municipal position on public safety policy issues that are discussed at the legislature. 代表resentation from League affiliate the N.C. Association of Chiefs of Police 参加了会议,并将继续派代表参加这些讨论.

A website launched on Monday by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers a new tool for accessing public data on cities 和 towns nationwide. DataUSA, which MIT developed with professional services firm Deloitte, readies easy-to-digest stats for virtually any locality in the U.S. by way of a search engine that calls up numbers 和 graphics for economic, 健康, 人口, 教育和住房数据, along with an overview of each town. “Households in Granite Quarry, NC have a median income of $45,268,” say search results for that Rowan County town. 这使得北卡罗来纳州花岗岩采石场成为美国人口普查指定的第13,751个最富有的地方.该网站的创建者表示,在制定劳动力发展等领域的计划时,它可以为政策制定者提供帮助, 企业高管可以用它来更好地了解客户和人才库. Users may download specific, local datasets for embedding on websites or use in other applications, 据一位解说员说.