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League Bulletin

March 23, 2018

365足彩下载在周三发布的一份报告中提出了许多政策建议,以增加北卡罗来纳人的宽带接入。跨越数字鸿沟:鼓励政策和伙伴关系,以改善北卡罗莱纳州的宽带接入" -- ​focusing specifically on public-private partnerships. 周三在罗利立法大楼举行的新闻发布会标志着该报告的发布,许多市政和州官员发表了讲话, including Rep. John Szoka, League President and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara, Angier Mayor Lew Weatherspoon, and Bolton Clerk Jacquelyn Hampton. They laid out the case for more widespread broadband infrastructure.
“Broadband is crucial 21st century infrastructure, no different than water and sewer, electricity and roads,” Lazzara said. “It is critical that everyone have access to it, 各种规模的城镇和城市的企业都能获得他们在全国和全球范围内开展业务所需的互联网速度.”
Representative Szoka, who sponsored a measure 这将授权地方政府进入宽带公私合作伙伴关系, 强调他的愿景是让该州的每个家庭和企业都能接入高速互联网. "It's not only needed," he said, “我们绝对有必要采取必要的行动,连接到最后一条土路上的每一个房子, from the mountains to the sea in this state, 为我们的公民提供充分参与全球经济的机会."
新闻发布会还包括365足彩下载立法顾问艾琳·怀尼亚的评论, who co-authored the report along with Joanne Hovis, 他是CTC技术和能源公司的总裁,也是联邦政府公认的通讯政策专家, state, and local levels. “Broadband is the infrastructure challenge of our time,” Wynia said. “And we know that communities that have this service can thrive.” She went on to explain that, across the country, 宽带合作伙伴关系通常采取由公共伙伴建设基础设施的形式, while the private sector operates the system as the service provider. Such partnerships, she said, 利用这两个部门的优势,将服务扩展到难以服务的地区.
整个州和全国的媒体都对这份报告及其提出的增加北卡罗来纳州宽带接入的建议很感兴趣. Read more coverage of the League’s initiative: News & Observer; Route Fifty; WRAL TechWire​; WUNC​; ​North Carolina Health News​; Fayetteville Observer​.

Register now 该论坛将讨论如何将宽带网络引入您的社区并使其更具经济弹性. 4月20日在罗利举行的活动邀请了包括NCLM宽带报告合著者在内的精英演讲者 Joanne Hovis​, 他是CTC技术和能源公司的总裁,也是联邦政府公认的通讯政策专家, state, and local levels. Gov. Roy Cooper will open the daylong conference, former Gov. James B. Hunt will serve as the keynote speaker, and Rep. 克雷格·霍恩将讨论互联网接入在我们学校的重要性. 与会者将听到一份可操作步骤的剧本,这些步骤是他们可以带回家推进当地宽带项目的. ​

365足彩下载发布了年度备忘录,详细说明了下一财年的收入预测. 对所有主要州征收的市政收入的预测——包括销售税, Powell Bill, electricity and natural gas sales taxes, and more -- are included. 收入预测,销售税计算器文件,以及365足彩下载的分销基础备忘录 can all be found on the League's website. Questions can be directed to Chris Nida or Caitlin Saunders​.

Sixty-six percent of the state's counties grew between 2016 and 2017, beating the national growth average, according to a news release from the governor's office citing recent U.S. Census data. 布伦瑞克县是19个自治市的所在地,增长率最高,接近22%. 该估计“还强调了南松(摩尔县)和邓恩(哈内特县)的增长。," said the governor's office. “这两个城市在全国小城市数量增长方面都名列前十, defined by the Census Bureau as urban clusters of between 10,000 and 50,000 residents." The Office of State Budget and Management has more information​

The deal that U.S. House and Senate leaders struck early Friday on the $1.3万亿美元的综合拨款法案包括很多地方政府需要注意的地方. As reported by the National League of Cities, 该提案维持或增加了城镇用于基础设施建设的重要项目的资金, economic development, public safety and more. NLC注意到过去几个月为保留社区发展整体补助金而进行的游说和365体育足彩活动, TIGER grants, workforce programs and more. “摆在国会面前的支出法案表明,我们的联邦伙伴已经听取了数千名城市领导人的意见,他们敦促他们拒绝政府提出的严重预算削减,这是自动封存所要求的,” said Little Rock, Ark., and NLC President Mark Stodola. The group provides a bulleted list of important provisions from the bill. Route Fifty has additional overall news coverage​ and a more detailed piece about broadband funding​ in the bill. Friday morning, media outlets reported 特朗普总统表示,他将否决该法案,原因是他与一些因素存在分歧,包括该法案没有为他的边境墙计划提供全部资金. 这些媒体后来报道说,总统正在改变方向,将签署该法案. 

How do dogs figure into economic development? It's no joke. Ask the analysts who take economic vitals from man's best friend. Ask the industries that profit majorly from pet ownership. 或者,问问本森镇(Town of Benson),他们开始了一个以狗为重点的项目,以获得经济效益. Explained on the latest episode of the Municipal Equation podcast, it's a cool angle on business growth, use of resources and partnerships. Listen now!
市政方程是365足彩下载自己的播客,关于城市和城镇面对变化. It comes out every other week at Have an idea for an episode? 你所在的城市有没有一个特别酷的故事,别人会喜欢听? Let us know. Otherwise, our back catalog of episodes​ is loaded with great, new ideas for cities and towns.
以下通知来自美国联邦调查局的州和地方政府部门.C. Department of State Treasurer:
“统一采购指导要求对12月26日或之后开始的所有财政年度都有效, 2017, which means fiscal years that began on January 1, and those beginning on April 1, July 1, or October 1, 2018, for NC local governments and public authorities. 新规则的适用范围比我国大多数国家采购法广泛得多, mostly because they apply to the procurement of goods and services, 文件要求开始生效的美元门槛远低于目前的州要求. 它们适用于由联邦财政援助(直接或偿还)资助的购买。, which includes, but is not limited to, direct grants, USDA grants and loans, CDBG funds, FEMA disaster assistance grants, and the Highway Planning, Research, and Construction program. The requirements apply to any subrecipient of the funds as well. Finally, many of the requirements relate to documentation,包括使用联邦财政援助的政府单位必须具备的书面政策和程序.  
“这些要求很复杂,需要一些时间才能实现. 强烈鼓励所有单位审查要求,如果他们对特定项目的要求有具体问题,请与他们的资助机构核实. The punishment for noncompliance can be very harsh. 
"You can access the new memo here​
"Please contact us with any questions at (919)814-4299."
The UNC School of Government has scheduled a webinar​ on the requirements for April 24, 10 a.m. to noon. 