


政府. 帕特·麦克罗里 made news; legislative leaders pleaded their case; municipal officials -- better than 400 of them -- had their say. 2015年市政厅日取得了巨大成功, with League members from across the state making their presence felt at the 立法 Building in a variety of ways. 这一天作为州长麦克罗里成为头条新闻, 在下午的小组讨论中, spoke about elected officials from the different levels of government staying out of each other's business 和 "in their own lanes,,同时也利用这个机会进行365体育足彩 参议院的经济刺激计划.

政府ernor McCrory was joined on the panel by Secretary of Cultural Resources Susan Kluttz 和 Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata, 由365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶主持. 政府ernor McCrory was particular critical of the idea that rural North Carolina is in competition with urban North Carolina. 而不是, he said employers looking to build or exp和 are looking at like markets in different states, 这意味着罗利将与田纳西州的纳什维尔市竞争.以及乔治亚州梅肯市的山核桃镇. Secretary Kluttz discussed the importance of historic preservation tax credits to both the economy of small towns 和 big cities, 以及对国家历史的保护. Secretary Tata noted how the draft State Transportation Improvement Plan would translate into more transportation projects than in the past 和 t在这里fore more jobs.

(左起)文化资源部长Susan Kluttz,州长. 帕特·麦克罗里, 和 Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata speak to League members during a Town Hall Day panel discussion  

早些时候在立法大楼礼堂举行的一次会议上, House Speaker Tim Moore 和 Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger met with League members, discussing the pending repeal of the privilege license tax 和 potential replacement revenue, 历史保护税收抵免以及365足彩下载在汽油税立法方面的工作. Speaker Moore said he believed that legislators would focus on the privilege license tax question as a part of larger tax 和 budget issues once agreements had been reached on gas tax 和 jobs recruiting incentives legislation. Senate leader Berger discussed the potential for a grant program to replace the historic preservation tax credit. 

一整天, representatives from cities 和 towns from across the state worked the 立法 Building halls 和 met with legislators from their districts to present municipal concerns. 与农业利益相关的人也举行了大型游说活动, the League teamed with North Carolina Farm Bureau to present a letter to legislators continuing the call for near-term 和 longer-term solutions to the state's transportation funding gap.  那封信, 由365足彩下载主席罗尼·沃尔和农业局主席拉里·伍顿签署, pointed out that funding transportation infrastructure is "key to economic competitiveness."



当天的事件引起了媒体的广泛关注, 其中许多新闻报道都有共青团员的身影. 阅读或观看其中的一些报道 在这里, 在这里, 在这里在这里.

我们要感谢麦克罗里州长, Secretary Kluttz 和 Secretary Tata for joining League members to discuss issues that are so important to cities, 城镇和整个州. Speaker Moore 和 Senate leader Berger also deserve big thanks for taking time out of a busy legislative schedule to meet with League members. 最重要的是,感谢所有出席会议的人. 这是你的工作, advocacy 和 dialogue with your state legislators that is paramount to keeping cities 和 towns vital 和 healthy. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯

Legislators took up a number of pieces of legislation affecting municipalities this week, 大多数人的前景仍不确定. HB 201分区变更/公民意见, which would repeal the protest petition process which residents can use to challenge proposed municipal 和 county zoning changes, cleared the House Committee on Local 政府ernment 和 now heads to the House floor. The committee's approval was controversial after a proposed amendment to keep but modify the protest petition process appeared to have strong support, but by a voice vote -- with no show of h和s or roll call -- was ruled to have failed. 365足彩下载政府事务主任罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯向委员会发表了讲话, noting League support for a middle ground that would increase the threshold of adjoining property owners needed for a protest petition 和 lower the supermajority for council votes when a valid petition is presented.

HB 131麦琪谷镇/兼并 也得到了众议院地方政府委员会的批准, 尽管城镇官员反对这项措施. 该法案接下来将由众议院财政委员会审议. 国联反对这项措施, which would de-annex a neighborhood that several property owners moved into after it was already annexed into the town, 并将继续与市政官员合作,反对该法案的通过.

hb108土地及建筑发展基金 would establish a fund to provide loans to municipal 和 county governments to build or renovate buildings 和 provide infrastructure for commercial development sites. 该法案由 代表. Apex的保罗·斯塔姆他通过了众议院商务和就业发展委员会的审查. 众议员斯塔姆提出的另一项措施, HB 127 DOT谴责变更该案由众议院司法委员会审理. It would change quick-take condemnation procedures for the Department of Transportation 和 local governments, potentially delaying projects 和 increasing legal fees associated with road building 和 other infrastructure projects. The League's Erin Wynia spoke to committee members about municipalities' concerns regarding the legislation, 众议员斯塔姆似乎愿意考虑这些担忧. 

hb128对某些地方债务的公投 was calendared by the House Committee on Local 政府ernment but withdrawn after discussions between League staff 和 the bill's sponsor, 代表. 来自新伯尔尼的Michael Speciale. 本周提交的其他法案包括 HB 318保护北卡罗来纳州工人法案, which would repeal the E-Verify concessions that local governments won during the last legislative session; HB 304/SB 320户外广告法修订, which would establish new restrictions on local government ordinances related to billboard advertising; SB 338经济发展/税务调整, the Senate leadership's tax 和 jobs recruiting plan; 和 SB 336增加JDIG项目资金, a less ambitious jobs recruiting proposal that would boost funding for the state's primary industrial recruiting incentives program.

下周的365足彩下载公报将重新审视这些立法的许多部分, with individual looks at several 和 closer examinations of their prospects for passage. 再次感谢你让我们度过了一个美好的市政厅日, 和 we look forward to turning that momentum into policy wins that keep cities 和 towns strong. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯