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League Bulletin

March 5, 2021

​WHAT HAPPENED: The General Assembly focused on pandemic relief for North Carolinians and otherwise kept filed bills moving into committees for attention. 议员们的高价项目是 HB 196 2021 COVID-19应对措施 & Relief, a $1.70亿美元的措施已经提交州长考虑. The week also saw a veto override effort on reopening schools fail in the Senate. Last but not least, municipal and legislative leaders got together in virtual fashion for an important goodwill conversation on working together, for all of North Carolina. This Town & State Social, including remarks from House Speaker Tim Moore, was a rousing success. 

含义:随着国家继续其大流行恢复定位, 城市和城镇仍然有真正和迫切的需求, the state's economic drivers, 因为过去的拨款法案无法满足需求. Cities and towns across the state together set a series of goals for the current legislative biennium, 与镇上的立法者分享了这些信息 & State Social through a League-produced video that you should share.

我们正在联合国大会上以巡航速度前进. 浏览页面右侧加载的日历 视觉表现是否良好. 我们在下面的公报中收集了一些值得注意的法案, 快速总结和他们的发展方向. 

精髓:与以往的立法会议形成对比, 法案正在以更快的速度进行, 在被介绍后的一周内被安排在委员会听证会的日程表上. For example, two bills opposed by cities and towns will receive their second committee hearing on Tuesday, when the House Judiciary 1 Committee is expected to take up a municipal employee whistleblower bill (HB 7保护城市雇员免受报复)和“庇护城市”法案(HB 62 Gov. 遵守入境条例/禁令条例). Read on for more.

​Hundreds of local and state elected officials gathered in pandemic-safe virtual fashion this week to discuss common ground and how to work together to achieve goals 这些城市和城镇已经制定了有利于北方的政策 Carolina overall. 由NCLM执行主任Paul Meyer和主席主持 365足彩下载镇凯里镇议会的詹妮弗·罗宾逊 & State Social——改编自该组织非常成功的《365足彩下载》 & 国宴于周三晚上开始,市长和市议会参加 从山区到海岸的议员们加入了州议员的行列 建立善意和实质性的对话. 特别嘉宾众议院议长蒂姆 Moore set the tone for the event, describing the pace of the 2021 legislative session, 注意城镇利益法案的存在,并保证 市政官员,他们在立法大楼里有很好的代表. His warm remarks followed the showing of a League-produced video 这就有了立法的背景 城镇为2021-22两年期选择的目标.

In a first round of breakout sessions, local leaders met with lawmakers directly to discuss their work together, as the League itself is driven by the motto “齐心协力,共同进步。.在稍后的节目中,市政官员 对目标、政策和效果之间的联系进行了分组 社区等等.

While it was a different kind of occasion -- hosted over Zoom as opposed to the usual ballroom setting of our Town & 国宴——官员们迎难而上,将其价值最大化. “It has been a strange year. 但是,我们就在这里。. “And even if we can't -- as we have done in the past two years -- break bread together, we can come together. 我们可以把镇和州联合起来, allowing some time for legislators to hold mini town halls with their municipal officials. And we can talk about our aims and aspirations for our communities -- and just spend some time together. And that is really the most important aspect of this -- fellowship and connection." President Robinson agreed. “无论我们是面对面还是不得不进行虚拟操作, 保持这些沟通渠道的畅通是至关重要的. We all want the same thing -- to help making our communities and our state better places to live for all North Carolinians." 

Added Meyer: “We look forward to a time again when we can do this in person…."

The League thanks all -- municipal officials and state legislators alike -- who attended this successful event amid such busy schedules in recognition of our shared visions. 

​As 这是六名市长和美国市长之间对话的一部分.S. Treasury Department last 本周,夏洛特市长沃尔特·埃卡德(Walt Eccard)为当地的COVID-19救援做了说明. Speaking to Sec. 珍妮特·耶伦,Eccard提出了当地尚未解决的问题 COVID relief, specifically noting that past relief efforts did not provide 因此,对市政当局的直接支助是不够的. “The need is real," Eccard said. 城镇和城市是经济增长的引擎 他们修复了,整个经济就会好转."

Eccard对这个问题和财政部的角色有着独特的见解. 在沙洛特镇当公务员之前, 埃卡德曾担任美国联邦调查局的助理总法律顾问.S. Treasury from 1980 to 1986. 

The virtual meeting addressed the unprecedented public health and economic crises that have left millions of Americans struggling, as well as specific challenges facing small towns and rural areas across the country. 你可以阅读财政部关于这次会议的新闻稿 here,你可以阅读埃卡德市长的讲话 here

​The General Assembly continued its pace this week with primary focus on pandemic relief and moving recently introduced bills into committees for attention. 以下是城镇感兴趣的最新指标.

  • HB 211重新开放酒吧和餐馆 - Filed on Wednesday, this bill would allow establishments that serve food and drink to operate on certain conditions regardless of what a state or local emergency order requires, 抢占州和地方当局的先机. 该提案被提交给众议院司法委员会, and would go to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee if it receives a favorable report from the prior committee. 
  • HB 110增加建筑许可证门槛豁免 - This bill, 哪个适用于单户住宅和农场建筑, received a favorable report on Thursday and moved to the House Finance Committee. 
  • HB 165交通部立法变更 - This N.C. Department of Transportation agency bill would allow automatic license plate readers to be placed on state roads by municipal police. It's a longstanding policy change supported by cities and their police departments. 本周,它被分配给众议院运输委员会. However, WRAL News on Friday reported that this portion of the bill might be dropped.
  • hb218精简许可证/物业重建: Filed this week, this bill seeks to loosen stormwater regulations on development in sensitive watersheds. 它在众议院司法委员会. A favorable report would send it to the House Local Government Committee on Land Use, Planning and Development.
  • SB 179阿什维尔当地交通期权销售税: Filed this week, this is a local bill that would give Asheville a municipal-only sales tax for transit; it tracks with 城镇制定的政策目标 on municipal revenue options.
在其他州政府新闻中,本周发布了年度 Debt Affordability Study该机构就国家借贷能力向领导层提供建议. Essentially, it's improving in the face of a tough economy, but with caveats. 不断扩大的债务能力可能会帮助民主党州长. Roy Cooper and legislators from both parties build the case to place a multibillion-dollar bond referendum on the ballot soon for schools, 建筑施工及其他基础设施," the Associated Press reported. But transportation debt service will “substantially increase" over the next 10 years,州财政部长戴尔·福尔韦尔(Dale Folwell)办公室写道 its summary of the report. That means no additional capacity for transportation projects in that timeframe. 

The North Carolina legislature on Thursday sent to the governor's desk a new, $1.70亿美元的COVID-19救济法案,包括租金和公用事业援助. HB 196 2021 COVID-19应对措施 & Relief 延长或计划新的资金超过24页. 超过6亿美元的测试总收益, tracing and prevention; $390 million is for needs at public schools and higher education facilities. In a summary, 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔指出,该法案还包括为农场提供资金, fisheries, food banks, small business grants, broadband, summer school programs, mental health and substance abuse services and improvements to the NC COVID Vaccine Management System. 众议院高级预算作家代表. Donny Lambeth, Jason Saine and Dean Arp released a joint statement saying the bill “builds on our successful approach to addressing the top priorities of North Carolinians early in this legislative session.“对城镇很重要, it directed specific sums to each county in the state for rent and utility assistance. 

As noted in 美联社报道, this follows a $2.2 billion bill Gov. 罗伊·库珀上个月签署成为法律. “Most of that money was authorized to help K-12 schools and emergency rental assistance efforts," AP reported. 周四的法案也将提交给库珀,他可能会签署法案." 
