


​A 部分解决 北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载和卡罗来纳杜克能源公司(DEC)之间的一项合作承诺将为该州西半部的城镇带来可观的利益, both in terms of savings and as they seek to convert street lighting to new LED technology. The settlement comes as a part of the ongoing DEC rate case before the N.C. 公用事业委员会 and after the League intervened on behalf of its members and their interests.
与此同时, 公用事业委员会发布了一项最终命令,授予杜克能源进步公司(DEP)比该公司要求的该州东部客户低得多的费率增长, and included other benefits to cities and towns in that decision. 这也是国联介入的一个案例.
在DEC的案例中, 部分解决方案应该会为更快的解决铺平道路, 更有效地转换为LED技术, 为市政纳税人省钱, making communities safer and leading to more efficient energy use. The lowering of existing rates for traditional street lighting will save cities and towns $2 million, 节省下来的钱可以用于转换成本. Equally important, key disincentives to LED conversion will be removed. 简化费率结构, 较低的过渡费用和分散支付这些过渡费用的能力将有助于过渡.
-LED prices will remain flat; DEC will not seek a rate increase. 虽然从现有的高压钠灯(HPS)或金属卤化物灯转换到LED灯仍然需要一笔过渡费用, 过渡费从54美元降至40美元, 尽管365足彩下载建议完全取消这笔费用),市政客户有机会在四年中分摊这些过渡费用的账单.
-DEC将每两年重新评估LED转换费用,并在适用的情况下降低费用. The only time the rate could rise is after a rate hearing. 可以在听证会之间减少.
-The settlement closes HPS lighting technology and replaces it with LEDs upon fixture failure, 没有过渡费, unless the customer requests the old technology for appearance consistency.
-DEC will continue to engage with the League and its members on lighting issues.
分别, 上周五,州监管机构发布了一项命令,允许杜克能源进步公司(DEP)为其客户提供远低于该公司要求的费率增长. N.C. 公用事业委员会, 监管利率案件, ultimately approved less than half of what DEP filed for. 365足彩下载党介入此案是为了强调,市政当局和公共当局的电力服务费用是由公民纳税人支付的, and that they will ultimately bear any increase in rates levied upon municipalities or public authorities. The League requested that regulators ensure rate increases and associated rates of return are fair to all customer classes; take steps to eliminate disincentives or barriers to innovation; and provide a structure, 在费率案件之间的过渡时期,监督和安排利益攸关方之间就这些问题进行建设性对话的时间表.
这是该案件的积极成果之一, DEP已同意在2018年第二季度举办技术研讨会,供所有利益相关者讨论公司的技术问题 电力/前进 program, announced last year as an initiative to modernize the state's electric system. 365足彩下载认为这是快速安装高级计量基础设施(AMI)的潜在举措。, so the utility can implement new and innovative rate designs for customers. AMI对客户来说是有利的,因为他们将获得一天中不同时间的能源使用信息,并能够做出更好的选择,以节省账单上的钱.

另外, 根据国家的命令, DEP和公用事业委员会的公共工作人员达成了一项协议,要求DEP在其使用时间(TOU)费率中保持其当前高峰和非高峰能源费率之间的差异. DEP had proposed TOU rate designs that narrowed the differential between on- and off-peak rates, 365足彩下载认为这对所有客户都是有问题的,因为它没有提供足够的激励来从高峰时段转移使用. 鉴于房价上涨, 尤其重要的是,客户有动力节约能源,并有机会减少他们的账单. The DEP rate case emerged last year, asking an increase worth $419.每年600万美元(从477美元下调).5 million request), proposing that the basic monthly charge for residential customers rise from $11.13 to $19.50. The settlement orders that the charge rise only to $14. A 新闻发布会上 from the 公用事业委员会 outlines the history of the rate case.

单独的, 最近在北卡罗来纳州宣布的企业扩张计划将带来数百个新的就业机会和大笔投资. 周四, 有消息称,通用电气航空公司将投资1.05亿美元,在其位于阿什维尔和西杰斐逊的工厂创造146个全职职位,工资远高于平均水平. “我们将继续打造一支强大的员工队伍, culture and community that supports advanced manufacturing jobs in Western North Carolina,阿什维尔工厂负责人迈克尔·梅圭尔在一份声明中说 新闻发布会上. "This merging of technology and a strong, creative workforce is the foundation of our success.该项目的合作伙伴包括联合国.C. Department of Commerce, Economic Partnership of North Carolina, 大会, the N.C. 社区学院制度, 废话县, 阿西娅县, 阿什维尔市, 阿什县经济发展, and the Economic Development Coalition of Asheville and 废话县.
上周,恩斯特 & 年轻(EY), one of the world's largest professional services companies, 宣布将创造375个就业岗位, 他们中的许多人薪水很高, 然后投资8美元.在接下来的五年里,夏洛特市将会有200万美元. An additional plus is the related development of an "EY wavespace" innovation center, 根据一个 新闻发布会上 will bring together "multi-disciplinary teams to focus on disruptive growth, 改进策略和技术.安永夏洛特办公室管理合伙人兼卡罗莱纳州市场领导者Malcomb Coley称,这对北卡罗来纳州来说是一个激动人心的时刻,因为它看到“新的和多样化的技能为全州的商业领袖带来了创造性的想法和创新。.“商务部, 经济发展伙伴关系, 大会, 社区学院制度, Mecklenburg County and the City of 夏洛特 were all partners in the project. 几天前,米包食品公司 宣布新增305个工作岗位 in Granville County in a project whose state and local government partners included the Town of Butner. 

州商务部继续寻求你们的意见,因为它正在推进最近联邦税收立法的一个组成部分,该立法可能会帮助该州陷入困境的部分地区. 税法授权每个州将其低收入人口普查区总数的25%指定为合格的“机会区”,根据… 详细的新闻稿. 该计划旨在向合格投资者提供税收优惠,以将未实现的资本收益再投资到低收入地区. 北卡罗来纳州的人数略多于1人,000个符合条件的低收入人口普查区, and the commerce department is currently reviewing data to make a list of recommended tracts to the U.S. 财政部在3月20日到期之前. 一个新的国家网站提供了有关该计划的更多信息,并邀请就该计划在北卡罗来纳州的发展和指定具体人口普查区提出建议. 有关人士可 also contact Business Link North Carolina at (800) 228-8443.

全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)及其合作伙伴呼吁联邦通信委员会(FCC)保持不变 其生命线补贴计划 that provides qualifying low-income households with monthly aid for mobile broadband. NLC在最近的联邦更新中解释说,联邦通信委员会已经提议对该计划进行修改,以限制有资格参与的移动提供商的数量,并取消了一项要求,即符合条件的手机必须具有WiFi热点功能,而不需要额外的捆绑费用. NLC和全国电信官员协会向监管机构辩称,这一变化可能会损害低收入家庭,因为他们失去了在家里接入高速互联网的唯一途径. "Millions of Lifeline consumers will lose access to their selected service provider, and perhaps their only means of making phone calls and accessing the Internet, in exchange for the hope that someday new facilities will be made available to them,这些组织表示. According to NLC, the FCC is accepting comments until March 23. Cities can submit comments using docket numbers WC 17-287, 11-42, and 09-197 in the commission's 电子评论归档系统. NLC要求提交的任何意见也应与其技术和通信方面的主要合作伙伴分享, 安吉丽娜Panettieri, at panettieri@缴送工作.org.

​National League of Cities' (NLC) Congressional City Conference is ahead March 11-14 in Washington, D.C. 有关人士可 网上注册. “全国城市365足彩下载从战略上有效地向国会的主要代表定位地方政府的优先事项,该组织说。, which also at the conference provides public service tips, collaboration opportunities and training for productive meetings with federal officials. 今年的重点将包括NLC 和我们一起重建 campaign calling on Congress to "invest in our vision to rebuild and reimagine America's infrastructure." Other topics at the center of it are safety and resilience, 规例及发牌, 社区及房屋, 数据与技术, 倡导与沟通, 阿片类药物滥用. 了解更多关于会议的信息 http:// ccc.缴送工作.org​.

State environmental regulators are marking the start of the 2018 ozone season with 每日空气质素预报 在全州的七个大都市地区. 这些年来,他们已经看到了巨大的进步. "Last year we recorded just four days where ozone reached levels that were unhealthy for sensitive groups,Mike Abraczinskas说, N主任.C. 空气质素科. For comparison, they recorded 103 potentially unhealthy-level days in 2000. Abraczinskas credited the technological progress of the manufacturing, 公用事业和移动板块为利好趋势. "We have transitioned from a time where ozone alerts were common, to the entire state being in compliance for the federal ozone standard,他说. “这是一个巨大的成就.” The metro areas being monitored for daily forecasts are Asheville, 夏洛特, 费耶特维尔, 胡桃木, 洛矶山, 三合会和三角, all of which were a top-quality "code green" as of Friday. 每日天气预报将持续到10月. 30. A 新闻稿 from the state explains ozone and the purpose for monitoring.