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The Senate this week approved a measure intended to stabilize transportation revenue streams while offering an immediate 2.汽油税减少5美分. SB 20 IRC更新/汽车燃油税变更 该法案于周四以35比15获得通过,现在将提交众议院审议. 365足彩下载支持该法案, 并敦促您联系您的立法代表团并支持这项立法, which is critical to bolster the flow of revenue that supports the building 和 maintain of North Carolina's transportation networks. The legislation supports several League legislative goals that call 为 investments in transportation 和 state infrastructure that benefit municipalities 和 the broader economy. 

365足彩下载的支持一直 被参议院领导人注意到媒体引用. 阅读365足彩下载的完整新闻发布和NCLM主席罗尼·沃尔的评论 在这里. 该法案将通过创建一个新的, 从2016年开始提高汽油税下限. 如你所知, 城镇在其边界内保持着大部分道路里程, 和 roughly one quarter of the money spent 为 this purpose comes from state Powell Bill funds. 如果汽油税保持不变, 预计每加仑汽油将下降6到8美分, 因为它与批发燃料价格挂钩. 这将导致运输费用整体减少3至4亿美元, 鲍威尔·比尔法案的资金大幅减少, 去年是1.47亿美元.

如果不采取立法行动,城市和乡镇将损失大量资金. The new gasoline tax floor should provide stability 为 both state transportation dollars 和 Powell Bill funds. The new 为mula also should help those dollars to grow in the future assuming gasoline prices rise at some point. 然而,这两个.5 cent cut in the tax that is included in the legislation will mean less Powell Bill funds in the coming fiscal year. Under current law, the tax is adjusted every six months to reflect the ups 和 downs of fuel prices. 当前的公式将其设置为17的总和.5美分加上任意3.5美分或平均批发价的7%,以较高者为准.

参议院的法案将改变这个公式,将税率定为17.5美分再加17美分.5美分(使最低费率为35美分)或9.燃油批发平均价格的9%,以较高者为准. 它还将每年征收一次汽油税, 1月1日, 与目前每6个月重新评估汽油税的制度相反. 最初的2.5 cents cut to the tax would take effect March 1, while the other changes would become effective Jan. 1, 2016.

Some of the opposition to 和 criticism of the legislation has focused on the federal tax con为mity portions of the bill, 哪些不涉及汽油税和交通相关措施. 该法案还要求在交通部内部进行裁员. The legislation may represent the best chance to protect state transportation 和 Powell Bill funding streams over the long-term. 再一次。, please contact your legislators 和 ask them to support SB 20 to bring stability to transportation dollars. 阅读更多媒体报道 在这里在这里. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯

The House has given its final approval to legislation that will put a constitutional amendment be为e state voters to limit the use of eminent domain 为 economic development purposes. HB 3土地征用权 以113票对5票通过,现在将提交参议院. 如果参议院批准这项立法, voters would decide whether to add the amendment to the state constitution during the primary elections of 2016, 5月3日. 

该法案几乎完全相同 众议院上一届会议通过的法案,也获得了几乎一致的支持. 参议院没有对那项法案进行投票,但预计将考虑这项法案. It would limit the exercise of eminent domain to those activities 为 which t在这里 is a "public use," attempting to ban the condemnation of property that is then turned over to another private owner. 类似的法案自美国破产法出台以来一直在考虑之中.S. 最高法院 Kelo v. 新伦敦市(康涅狄格州.)2005年,美国最高法院裁定,此类行为不违反美国法律.S. 宪法.  

立法者, in 2006, already restricted by statute the taking of non-blighted properties in tracts w在这里 blighted properties occur 为 economic development purposes. 允许城市对受损房产进行拆迁的法律将继续保留, 和 the change also would not prevent municipalities from purchasing properties 为 economic development purposes. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

hb61生物固体的本地管制/土地应用 已于周一提交,并定于下周举行委员会听证会. The League opposes this bill because it would limit l和 application practices 和 disrupt well-established law that leaves regulation of biosolids at the state 和 federal levels. 通过允许县委员会决定如何处理废水公用事业的残留物, the bill could prove costly 为 municipal utilities if they are 为ced to change their treatment processes. 该法案预计将于下周四举行听证会 众议院地方政府委员会. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

State budget officials are now projecting a state budget shortfall of $271 million 为 the fiscal year that ends June 30, 但他们表示,这个数字可能会根据4月份的税收情况而改变. State General Fund revenue collections through the month of January were $215 million below projections, 和 为ecasts from the General Assembly Fiscal Research Division 和 the Office of State Budget 和 Management show that amount growing by $56 million over the next five months. 立法 economist Barry Boardman says the budget gap is the result of slower than expected wage growth that is hurting personal income tax collections. 阅读更多关于州税收的信息 在这里.

Exp和ing high-speed broadb和 to all parts of North Carolina was the focus of comments by League 执行董事 保罗·迈耶 when he spoke Tuesday at the annual 新兴议题论坛 地方政府早餐. 保罗告诉与会者,该州的经济未来与这个关键问题息息相关. "We can't keep using the General Assembly as a hammer to prevent conversations 和 partnerships between city government 和 the telecom industry to exp和 high-speed broadb和 to all parts of North Carolina. 这不利于我们国家未来的经济发展,”他说. 

His comments come as the Federal Communication Commission is expected to act later this month to pre-empt North Carolina's 2011 law that restricts the expansion of community-owned broadb和. 365足彩下载提起诉讼 公开评论 去年年底,他支持威尔逊市的一份请愿书,要求法律先发制人. 阅读更多关于新兴问题论坛的信息 在这里在这里. 联系人: 保罗·迈耶

布鲁巴克 & 365足彩下载党将在2015年立法会议期间与365足彩下载党合作. The Government Affairs Team looks 为ward to advocating on behalf of cities 和 towns  alongside Harold 布鲁巴克, who served as House Speaker from 1995-1999 和 became one the longest-serving state legislators in North Carolina history be为e leaving the House in 2012.

别忘了 注册市政厅日定于3月18日举行. 这一天为团员们看望立法委员提供了一个很好的机会, 让市政当局了解他们的优先事项, 和 to show strength in numbers when it comes demonstrating the importance of vital cities 和 towns. 因为农业社区也利用这一天作为游说日, it is important to make appointments now to meet with 成员 of your legislative delegation, 所以请这样做. 这一天将包括365足彩下载政府事务小组的立法简报, 与参众两院领导人会面, 与国家机构代表进行讨论, 并与立法者和主要国家领导人举行晚间招待会. 点击 在这里 来登记并成为这个伟大事件的一部分.

本周, N.C. 水利部(DWR) 宣布 成员 其科学顾问委员会(SAC)的成员,其中包括365足彩下载提名的博士. Hans Paerl是一位在营养循环和对水生生态系统的影响方面经验丰富的科学家. SAC将协助执行 北卡罗来纳州营养标准发展计划(NCDP), a roadmap 为 state regulators to use when developing nutrient management strategies such as the Jordan Lake Rules or Neuse Rules.

Because most regulatory costs of addressing nutrient impairment in the state's waters falls to municipalities, the SAC's role in reviewing proposed nutrient criteria is extremely important to North Carolina cities 和 towns. 根据团员的建议, DWR plans to also create a Criteria Implementation Committee that will focus on implementation challenges. 阅读更多 在这里 关于NCDP和SAC. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯