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发生了什么:2021年在罗利举行的长会议的早期,州长. 罗伊•库珀 signed the state's latest 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief measure 成为法律.

WHAT IT MEANS: We have a few bills on the radar, 在本公报中予以说明, but much of the bill activity is in the conversation and strategy stage. 首先,N.C. 市政365足彩下载政府事务小组本周会见了许多立法者,包括参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰和众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔,以熟悉或更新他们的 legislative goals that cities and 城镇 have set 为新的立法两年期.

ON TAP: Meanwhile, big news on Capitol Hill. A U.S. 众议院委员会公布了一项法案草案,为州和地方政府提供3500亿美元的紧急援助, as we know the recovery from the pandemic must start at the local level. We break it down ahead in this Bulletin.

瘦子:确保你 register for the upcoming 小镇 and State Social, a virtual event we're holding on March 3, 这样你们就可以和你们的州议员建立友谊,保持这种势头,因为我们, the cities and 城镇 of North Carolina, work as one to advance the entire state.

发生了什么:漫长的立法会议进入了新的一周,对新旧法案进行了讨论, some of which we've broken out for your attention in the Bulletin below. As it happened, lawmakers received presentations on the new 共识收入预测该公司预计,2020-21财年的收入将“远高于”去年的预测,高出约4美元.10亿年. Appropriations committees will start to meet next week. 

WHAT IT MEANS: We're wading deeper into the 2021 session, with more substantive discussions and -- attention -- bill-filing deadlines. 正如我们在p中指出的公报的最新版本,你们的参议员要到2月10日. 25 to get local bills to the Bill Drafting Division and must introduce them by March 11; your House members have until March 3 and March 25, 分别. 

现场直播:我们的小镇 & 国家社会保险公司马上就来. Make sure you're registered for this important, virtual event connecting legislators and local leaders 3月3日星期三下午5点.m. 还要确保 sign up for the next Advancing 365体育足彩,该报告将检验美国政府所采取的措施.S. 人口普查数据和重新划分要求意味着您的市政当局和地方选举定于2021年举行.

瘦子:也, please observe the article below on the loss of our beloved colleague, 凯利Kukura, 她是一名有影响力的365足彩下载工作人员和家庭妇女,本周结束了与癌症的长期斗争. A GoFundMe has been activated to benefit her family, who we'll keep in our thoughts.

​We all know the central news focus over on Capitol Hill of late; the Senate impeachment trial consumes the visual field. 但是有一件很贵的东西 for cities and 城镇 this week – federal lawmakers introduced a draft bill that included $350 billion in emergency relief money for state and local 政府. The bill comes from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, 它会标记 $130.20亿至 divide evenly between cities and counties. 它将编程65美元.1 billion to cities using a modified Community Development Block Grant formula, 45美元.57 billion for municipalities with populations of 50,000 or more, and $19.53 billion for those with less than 50,000. $65.10亿美元也会流入 按人口划分的县.

“我们深感鼓舞的是,国会正在倾听地方领导人的声音,并最终推进市政当局所需的关键救济,以帮助美国各地的社区从新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行中恢复过来," said National League of Cities CEO Clarence E. 安东尼 声明 周四.

当地领导人和联合国.C. 市政365足彩下载一直在稳步推动恢复援助,为我们社区的居民带来最好的结果, 业务和未来立足点. 如NLC所述, “Our national recovery starts at the local level, 我们需要联邦政府合作伙伴的支持,帮助我们留住一线工作人员,并为地方政府提供继续抗击疫情的资源."

N.C. League of Municipalities is proud to host the annual 小镇 & State Social: A Virtual 小镇 Hall Connecting 立法者和 Local Leaders 3月3日星期三下午5点.m., this time presented in a virtual format.

Join us for this special evening to celebrate our cities and 城镇, and to discuss the most critical topics facing our local 政府. 这是我们地方领导人和州议员见面的宝贵机会, 交互, 听取彼此对我们的城镇所面临的紧迫问题的意见.

The event will include policy updates from numerous legislative leaders, town hall sessions between state and local officials, 以及旨在在我们进入2021-22立法两年期之际加强关系的交流机会. We will also be exploring NCLM's Municipal 立法 Goals, 被你收养, 我们的地方领导人, and look at how they intersect with the challenges facing your city or town.

This won't be just another Zoom meeting. Be ready for an engaging evening, full of entertaining and valuable segments that, 晚上结束时, 会帮助我们“齐心协力?, 推进所有." 

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你 might be wondering w在这里 we are with bill filing in the 2021 state legislative 迄今为止的会议. Still early for what we call the “long session,” which happens every odd-numbered year, we’re not at full tilt. 立法者和 各种团体仍在讨论他们想要的立法 to see this year – and we’re among them; more on that in a moment. 但这是 并不是说这些书是空白的. Lawmakers to date have filed 171 bills -- 79 in 众议院92票,参议院92票. The League’s Government Affairs team follows the filings constantly, as individual bills may have pertinence to cities and 城镇. As we log them, we’ll share the foremost of them with you in these 每周简报. 简要:

- HB 7 Protect City Employees from Retaliation

- HB 13 State 搜索 and Rescue Funding

- HB 35 Various County Public Notices

- HB 51 Eastern Counties/Public Notices

- HB 62 Gov immigration Compliance/Enjoin Ordinances

- HB 66 Expand Eligibility for Utility Account

- SB 31 Political Subdivisions/Local Bidders Notice 

365足彩下载游说者本周与许多立法者会面,让他们熟悉 legislative goals set by cities and 城镇. 参众两院的高层领导人参加了这些会议,包括参众两院临时议长菲尔·伯杰和众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔.

​A 新的收入预测 州政府官员表示,2020-21财年的预期收入“远高于”此前的预期4美元.10亿年, or more than 17 percent. “We expect modest improvement throughout the upcoming biennium, with the worst economic impacts from the pandemic behind us,北卡罗来纳州普通基金收入共识预测指出,该预测由包括国家预算和管理办公室在内的机构制作,并于周四由大会财政研究部发布. 它补充说:“在大流行造成的迅速而突然的衰退之后,该州的经济正处于商业周期的复苏阶段. 预测假设经济状况在整个两年期将继续加强.它还假设国会将在今年春天通过更多的刺激措施,延长联邦失业保险计划,并向家庭直接支付. 该机构还预计,“随着刺激措施的影响逐渐消退,以及消费者将支出转向更多的非应税服务”,今年下半年应税收入的增长将温和放缓," as stated by a companion consensus forecast document. 上面链接的两份文件都提供了解释预测及其应用的背景和其他细节.

Following Local Government Commission (LGC)  action last week, the State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) 见过 星期三到 approve an initial list of distressed utilities但他们决定推迟行动,以便有时间与这些公用事业公司沟通.  

In January, both LGC and SWIA took action to 批准的标准 to identify distressed water and wastewater systems, LGC和SWIA使用这些标准来创建陷入困境的公用事业公司名单. 会期法2020-79 创建了可行公用事业储备基金(VUR),这是一个新的拨款项目,通过促进可行的运营和鼓励区域化,为财政困难的公共供水和废水系统提供支持,并责成LGC和SWIA共同制定标准,以确定陷入困境的公用事业. The process will help a utility to determine its current conditions, consider what viable options may be available, 并允许LGC和SWIA与公用事业公司合作实施长期解决方案. 《365体育足彩》是一项为期一年的立法研究和利益相关者过程的结果,该过程的重点是 $17 billion in water and sewer infrastructure needs statewide.

拖延行动, SWIA决定向可能被指定为陷入困境的公用事业公司发送一封信作为沟通, 解释流程并为公用事业提供提交自己的其他数据的机会. 与此同时, 365足彩下载将通过其推进市领导项目举办网络研讨会,帮助会员了解这一称号. 陷入困境的公用事业:对市政当局意味着什么将于3月2日至11日发布.m. (通过缩放). 来自环境质量部的Kim Colson和来自地方政府委员会的Sharon Edmundson将介绍更多关于困境公用事业的信息. 可以注册 在这里.