


WHAT HAPPENED: 的 General Assembly reconvened 本周, and with it came the early burst of bill filing. But we're expecting a fairly slow start on things, with proposals at this point assigned to various legislative committees for vetting as attention turns to a technical 新型冠状病毒肺炎 bill up for consideration likely next week. 的 pandemic remains the priority issue with hospitalizations and positive tests still at a worrisome clip, which has led the 政府ernor 本周 to again extend the modified stay-at-home order.

WHAT IT MEANS: We'll follow and report on legislation pertinent to cities and towns, and to that end it's worth keeping in mind the deadlines for the filing of legislation, 包括本地账单. We've listed the deadlines in this Bulletin. 

ON TAP: Municipal officials and legislators have an important date ahead -- March 3 will bring the 小镇 & State Social: A Virtual 小镇 Hall Connecting Legislators and Local Leaders. This is a valuable opportunity for 我们的地方领导人 and 状态 legislators to meet, 交互, and hear from one another regarding the pressing issues facing our cities and towns. 详情如下. 

THE SKINNY: We thank you again for your involvement, which is crucial. Municipalities too are keeping involved in the vaccine effort by staying in regular contact with the 状态. We have an 更新 on vaccines below. Additionally, the 状态 has provided a group of mayors in Brunswick County 有用的信息 after they inquired about vaccine supplies. 请继续阅读更多更新

NCLM 本周 unveiled its 2021-22 Municipal 立法 Goals after a months-long process that concluded with League members voting to approve 12 goals earlier this month. 你可以找到这些目标 在这里,按发行区域排列. 在总, representatives of 150 municipalities cast votes to narrow the final list of Municipal 立法 Goals down to 12. But even that number did not tell the complete story. 总共, 196 municipalities were a part of the process in some form or fashion – summiting ideas, representing the Policy Committee, participating in virtual goal-generating focus groups, 或者投最后一票. 的 participating municipalities ranged in size from Fontana Dam, in the far western part of the 状态, to North Carolina's largest city, 夏洛特. 

As the policy goals were unveiled Wednesday during our virtual Advancing 365体育足彩 meeting, Kings Mountain Mayor Scott Neisler, who served as co-chair of the Policy Committee, noted that the remote meeting environment required by the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic served as an advantage, ultimately leading to more participation. “Looking back on this effort, I think we can all be really proud," he said. We would like to thank everyone for their involvement in this process, which is critical to advancing the needs of cities and towns before legislators and other 状态 policymakers. 

N.C. League of Municipalities is proud to host the annual 小镇 & State Social: A Virtual 小镇 Hall Connecting Legislators and Local Leaders on Wednesday, March 3 at 5 p.m., this time presented in a virtual format.

Join us for this special evening to celebrate our cities and towns, and to discuss the most critical topics facing our local 政府ernments. This is a valuable opportunity for 我们的地方领导人 and 状态 legislators to meet, 交互, and hear from one another regarding the pressing issues facing our cities and towns.

的 event will include policy 更新s from numerous legislative leaders, town hall sessions between 状态 and local officials, and networking opportunities that aim to strengthen relationships as we move into the 2021-22 legislative biennium. We will also be exploring NCLM's Municipal 365体育足彩 Goals, 被你收养, 我们的地方领导人, and look at how they intersect with the challenges facing your city or town.

This won't be just another Zoom meeting. Be ready for an engaging evening, full of entertaining and valuable segments that, 晚上结束时, will help us in “Working As One, 推进所有." 

点击: Information and registration.

​An expected gust of bill filing came 本周 as General Assembly members returned to their seats in Raleigh. Our team will follow and report on bills of relevance to cities and towns. In the meantime, it’s important to keep track of the House and Senate deadlines for filing bills, 包括本地账单.

Local bills in the House are due to the bill drafting office by March 3 and must be introduced by March 25.

Local bills in the Senate are due to bill drafting by Feb. 25 and must be introduced by March 11.

Local bills are filed by a legislator representing the affected area.



-Commission/interim committee recommended bills: Feb. 3 (bill drafting); March 25 (introduction)

-代理法案:2月. 10; Feb. 25

-Non-appropriations/non-finance public bills: March 24; April 20

-Appropriations: March 31; April 27


All public bills: March 11; April 26.

你可以在 http://www.ncleg.政府 /.

政府. Roy Cooper’s modified stay-at-home order, requiring people to be at home 在10点之间.m. 和5a.m.,已延长至 行政命令 191. “With more than 3,300 people in the hospital, and the percent of positive tests in double digits, we know this virus is still spreading,” 库珀州长说 新闻发布会上. “And with at least one new contagious variant of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 in our 状态, we 还有工作要做. We cannot let our guard down, especially in these cold 冬季."

的 国家更新了 疫苗的数据 指示板 本周. Information t在这里 concerns vaccine doses the 状态 has received and guidance “to ensure equitable distribution and speed of 政府.” North Carolinians can learn when they’ll become eligible for the shot via a new online tool called 找到我的疫苗 集团. Additional information about the vaccine rollout is at YourSpotYourShot.nc.政府.

的 Board of Trustees of the Local Government Employees' Retirement System (LGERS) voted Thursday to approve the last planned 1.2 percent increase to the system's employer contribution rate for fiscal year 2021-22 – keeping with its 2019年1月 decision to amend the Employer Contribution Rate Stabilization Policy (ECRSP) to keep the system well-funded. This increase represents more than $80 million in additional money to the system from employers for fiscal year 2021-22. (Materials from the meeting can be viewed 在这里).

的 board voted for contribution rates for general employees to increase from the current 10.15 percent in fiscal year 2020-21 to 11.35 percent for fiscal year 2021-22. Please note that these rates for general employees are only for the pension component of your contribution rates; the death benefit contribution can vary from unit to unit for general employees and is in addition to these rates. 的 contribution rate for law enforcement officers increases at the same pace, rising from 10.90%到12%.10%. 然而, due to the “Court Cost Offset" and the Death Benefit, the contribution rate for LEOs for fiscal year 2021-22 will be 12.04 percent for most employers of LEOs.

Since 2021-22 is the last year of planned increases under the current LGERS ECRSP, the LGERS Board will start soon to discuss their plans for employer contribution rates going forward to provide predictability for employers. State Treasurer Dale Folwell assured board members that his office will include the League and N.C. Association of County Commissioners in these discussions of contribution rate policies. 的 systems' investments saw an 11 percent rate of return for the 2020 calendar year, beating their assumed rate of return of 7 percent. 的 Board voted at 本周's meeting to reduce that assumed rate of return to 6.未来5%.

更多的 than 150 local officials joined the League 本周 for a virtual training on Municipal Finance for Elected Officials. 的 League and its members were fortunate to be joined by State Auditor Beth Wood, who provided her perspective on the financial challenges facing many units of local 政府ernment around the 状态. 的 League would like to thank Auditor Wood for taking the time to participate and answer questions from elected officials across N.C. 与会者还听取了 from NCLM staff members Chris Nida and Perry James on keys to effective financial oversight from elected officials, as well as local elected officials Mayor Jay Donecker of Reidsville and City Councilman Harold Owen of Burlington on the practical aspects of real-world oversight. 我们感谢每一位 participated in Thursday’s session and look forward to expanding on this topic 在以后的会议中. 参观 365足彩下载网站上 to learn more about the resources available through the League to assist you in managing your local finances.

​In a 一句话 更新 周四,美国政府宣布.S. Census Bureau 状态d that its “current schedule points to April 30, 2021, for the completion of the apportionment counts.” 的se are the population counts that chiefly 更新 状态s’ presence and votes 在美国.S. House of Representatives and the Electoral College. 新闻机构 point out that the numbers were due by the end of 2020, a legal deadline, but the pandemic along with changes made by the previous presidential 政府 pushed out the delivery. 的 Census Bureau has said many times in recent months that it wants to make sure the data is solid and without 发布前的问题.